Chapter 53 - Music is in the Air and Water

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Summary: The enormously popular Zora band, known as The Cross Currents, performs at a crowded Ruto Lake, to the delight of their mostly young fans. But some songs they perform bring back fond memories for the older crowd. Princess Tila turns heads as she joins Mila and her siblings before the concert begins. Mipha and Link reminisce about their relationship, and Link explains why Mipha made it impossible for him to move on from her. Ambassador Laray is still mourning her sister's murder by Vera, and the hope is some time away at Zora's Domain will benefit her.

It was late morning when Link finally awoke in the pool of water he shared with Mipha. She was already awake and looking over at him. She smiled when he opened his eyes.

"You certainly slept well, sweetheart," said Mipha as she reached over and stroked his hair. She liked touching his hair. Zoras didn't have any, and she never got over the feel of it. But it was a gesture of love.

Link smiled back.

"I was absolutely exhausted last night. And I already said the waterfall helps put me to sleep. I love you, by the way."

"I know why you were so tired," she laughed. "You really went all out on that race to Ruta. I love you, too, by the way. But relax, it's a light day today. We only have a meeting with Father later. You can sleep some more."

"No, I'm rested," said Link. "You know, it took some time, but I'm completely used to sleeping like this, relaxing my whole body and floating gently with only my head above water."

"What's not to like about sleeping in water? But I know you do it for me, sweetheart, and I'm very grateful," said Mipha.

"Have the children left yet?"

"Yes, but not to class. They're off today. But they all went down to Ruto Lake first thing this morning to get good spots," said Mipha.

"Sorry? Good spots?" said Link.

"You forgot, didn't you?" said Mipha.

"In my case, the correct answer to that question is almost always 'yes,' but what is it this time?" laughed Link.

"The famous Zora band from North Hyrule, The Cross Currents, is performing on Ruto Lake this evening. Their music is incredibly popular with young people, and everyone listens to them on their Tabs. And this group is popular across Hyrule, too. They're performing at the Coliseum after this, and they expect to fill it. Zelda said her daughter can't wait to see them," said Mipha.

"Don't you need tickets or something?" said Link.

"No, they rely on donations that are collected at the performance, plus whatever income they make by having their songs available on Tabs. There are no reserved places, which is why their fans arrive so early. And I'm told the audience gets so emotional that they believe they collect more rupees in donations than if they had sold tickets," said Mipha.

"Really! What kind of songs do they sing?"

"Mostly new ones you and I never heard of, but they mix in a few older ones for the older audience. And for a Zora audience, they do some instrumental songs underwater, which gives the music a different sound. Especially popular is an underwater song called 'Click On' where the audience clicks along at the right time with parts of the song. You can hear the music and feel the clicks along with it. Well, especially if you're a Zora that is."

"How do you know all this?" said Link. "Sorry if that sounded insulting."

"Mila told me. Princess Tila is joining Mila at the performance tonight. We're going to it as well, but I don't need to be close to the performers, so there's no need to get there early. You're my date, by the way," said Mipha.

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