Chapter 21 - Mila and Midon Surprises

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Summary: There is more to Mila and Midon than meets the eye.

After the children turned four years old, Mipha and Link realized there was more to Mila and Midon than met the eye.

Mila's surprise came first.

The children were starting school soon, and Mipha wanted them to be able to swim up waterfalls while they still had extra free time to learn. She was starting them off with the gentle waterfalls that flow from the ring of water surrounding King Dorephan's throne area down to the lower level of the Domain. Mipha had given both of them a few lessons before, and today's weather was pleasant with plenty of free time. They should be big enough to learn this now, Mipha thought.

"I am going to give each of you a ride up with me twice to see how I do it," said Mipha. "Then you can try it on your own."

She gave each child two rides to the top as they held on.

"Now, each of you take turns," said Mipha.

Mila and Midon each took turns trying to swim to the top. When they failed, Mipha would point out what they were doing wrong and encourage them to try again.

After a few more attempts, Midon was the first to make it all the way to the top.

"Well done, Midon!" said Mipha. "I'm so proud of you!"

"Thank you, Mommy," said Midon with a big smile.

"Now swim over to the waterfall next to this one while Daddy watches you practice a few more times," said Mipha. "I need to spend more time with Mila."

Mipha turned to Mila when she suddenly started fussing and pointing at Midon.

"Mido made a face at me," she cried.

Mipha turned to Midon. "Midon, I've told you before, don't tease your sister. Now do as your told," said Mipha.

Link and Midon went over to the adjacent waterfall, and Link watched Midon practice. Midon didn't succeed every time but was starting to get the hang of it. Meanwhile, Mipha concentrated on teaching Mila.

"Mila, watch how I do this again," said Mipha. "We've gone up together a couple of times, and you just need to concentrate."

"Why can't Daddy teach me?" asked Mila.

"Because Daddy doesn't swim the same way we do," said Mipha. "Now, don't give up, Mila. I know you can do this if you concentrate. Now watch me one more time."

Mipha swam up the waterfall, then dove back down next to Mila.

"Did you watch how I did it?" said Mipha. "It's just like I explained to you when we went up together. Now copy what you saw me do and try again."

Mila tried again, and she got almost to the top but ended up falling back into the water.

"Mila, that was an excellent try," said Mipha. "You almost did it. Don't give up. Let's try again."

Mila got in position, then started swimming up. It looked at first like she would fail again, but she gave an extra push at the end and successfully reached the top."

"Hooray, you did it, Mila!" shouted Mipha. "That's wonderful! I knew you could do it. Now let's practice a couple more times to be sure you have the feel of it."

Mila dove back down to the base of the falls, and again she was able to swim all the way to the top.

"Excellent, Mila," said Mipha. "One more time, and we're done for today."

Mila dove back down to the base of the waterfall, and then after positioning herself, started swimming up the waterfall even faster than last time. But she hadn't anticipated flying so far past the top, and so she came down a little too close to the back wall and bumped her leg on it. She started to cry.

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