Chapter 29 - My Friend Is My Enemy?

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Summary: The Yiga Clan finds a way to destroy Hyrule from within using transformation masks.

The morning sun lit up the room as Link opened his eyes, finally waking up. He realized he must have slept late.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," said Mipha, laughing. She had been sitting by his side, watching him. She rubbed her hand gently through his hair. "I love touching your hair. We Zoras don't have any, and I never get tired of the feel."

"Good morning," said Link, stretching. He gently stroked her forehead. "So, you don't mind I'm not a Zora then? It's funny, but I love just the opposite about you, how smooth and soft your skin is. It looks like I slept late, didn't I."

"Yes, a little," said Mipha. "The children are outside playing. I was thinking of catching some fish for us. Midon can come with me while Mila finishes some homework. You should wait for us to have breakfast. The fish will be nice and fresh."

"Alright," said Link.

Mipha left, and Mila came in.

"Hi, Dad," said Mila. "All rested?"

"Hi Mila, yes, I got a good sleep. Mom said that you had some homework?"

"Yes, I have a little left. Mido went with Mom to catch some fish."

Mila began her homework, and Link took out some papers and started organizing them. He stopped every now and then to re-read some.

"What are you doing, Dad," asked Mila.

She had finished her work and stood beside Link.

"While I have some free time, I'm organizing parts of my journal and the papers that go with it," said Link.

"Can I read your journal sometime?"

"Sure, after I have more time to organize it and maybe when you're a little older."

"Why do I have to be older?" said Mila.

"You probably don't. You're very understanding of people, Mila, and very smart. It's me that needs to be older. I still don't feel ready to organize parts of it yet," said Link. "But I promise you can read it soon if you want to."

"What part are you working on now?" said Mila.

"I'm organizing the story of the Hero of Time we just went through," said Link. "I have a copy of what's left of his journal, a copy of King Rhoam's letter, and a copy of a translated document from the Hyrule Castle librarian. I'm just putting all that together with my own notes."

"That was an interesting story, but sad in some ways," said Mila.

"Yes. I read his journal over again. It was happy in parts, too, though."

A few minutes later, Mipha and Midon arrived home.

"Hi, Dad," said Midon. "I caught the biggest fish."

"That's because they're the slowest, Mido," said Mila.

"Alright, Mila, no need to tease," said Mipha. "We caught some tasty fish, and Midon was a big help. We have a bit more variety than the local market offers. Link, I assume you'll cook yours with some rice?"

"Sounds good," said Link.

He selected one of the fish, a Hylian Bass, went to the pot and cooked his fish along with some Hylian rice, then returned. It was delicious and well worth the wait. This was starting out to be a beautiful day, he thought.

But as Link learned later, while he was enjoying a sound sleep in Zora's Domain, there had been trouble in Gerudo Town.

"Halt! What are you doing here, Fara?"

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