Chapter 167 - Picturing History - Part 4

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Summary: General Haston journeys to Zora's Domain for his interview with Link's daughter Mila and spends some time with Link as well. Midon takes a shot at cracking the Sheikah Slate password.

It was a sunny late afternoon in Zora's Domain as Link's older daughter Mila concluded her interview with General Haston, commander of the Royal Hyrule Army, in one of the gazebo-like structures overlooking the plaza. The General was a distinguished-looking taller than average Hylian in his late fifties with gray hair and brown eyes. He looked quite fit and was clearly a person who kept himself in good shape.

"So, we were able to just barely hold on and contain the shrines long enough for Her Majesty and your father to destroy the source of the evil on Eventide Island," said Haston. "It was getting touch and go at the end as the monsters continued to grow in strength. But we went over the battles at each of the shrines, so you already know that, Princess Mila."

"Yes, thank you, and I think that about covers all the items I wished to ask you about the invasion, General," said Mila. "I very much appreciate you traveling all the way here to meet with me."

"Not at all, Princess, I was happy to do so," said Haston. "Her Majesty was very keen for me to help you complete the historical narrative she said you're working on. And besides that, it's been far too long since I last visited your beautiful home here. Seeing Zora's Domain again reminded me of how much I forgot its grandeur. It's magnificent! There is no place in Hyrule that comes anywhere close to its architectural beauty."

"Thank you, General, that is very considerate of you to say," said Mila. "We are indeed very proud of our Domain, of course. But may I ask when you were last here?"

"Yes, let me see, it's hard to believe, but it must be close to forty years ago now," said Haston, looking off into the distance. "I was a young Captain back then, and we were tasked with routine assignments, keeping monsters under control and things like that. My squad and Captain Feron's, which was the squad your father served in, by the way, took turns patrolling here occasionally to help rid the area of Electric Arrow wielding Lizalfos. Hyrule Command knew your people were at great risk from electric-based weapons, and so Hylian soldiers were periodically dispatched here to help. After a busy day's work, we were invited to relax here afterward, enjoy some music and food. We were very grateful for your people's hospitality."

"This is not part of my historical inquiry," said Mila. "But speaking of my father, I've been asking those I interview if they remember anything about my parents before they married. It's just out of personal curiosity."

"I understand, and let me think back now," said Haston. "I don't know too much about Princess Mipha, your mother. I first met her at one of the celebrations here after we completed a mission. She would personally thank each of us, but more importantly, she would heal any injured among us. She was so kind and caring that battle-hardened soldiers would weep in gratitude afterward. But she would say it was the least she could do for our help in protecting her people. I think the last time I saw your mother before she and your father married was at Hyrule Castle when most of us were on duty attending the Champions Inauguration ceremony. That was quite the big event, the late King Rhoam himself presiding over it."

Heston paused for a moment.

"As to your father, I know a bit more about him, but mostly second hand. As I said, he served under my colleague Captain Feron back when I myself was a Captain. Our two squads used to be assigned similar duties at different times. Feron used to tease me that his squad could accomplish twice as much as mine, thanks to your father's combat ability. I lost a few good-natured bets to him over that! But I won that all back and more when your father won the swordsmanship championship."

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