Chapter 140 - Planning Revenge

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Summary: Impa's husband, Kalan, deals with an incident in Kakariko Village. Dark Link takes over leadership of the Yiga Clan and begins planning for Ganon's revival and Hyrule's overthrow.

It was early evening in Kakariko Village as Impa's husband Kalan knelt before the small statue of Hylia in the village center, finished his prayer, then rose and turned to go home. As he approached his house, one of his fellow Sheikah stopped him.

"Hello, Master Kalan, we haven't spoken in a while," said Harlon. "Nice evening for a stroll. How are things with you and the family?"

"Fine, Harlon," said Kalan. "And you?"

"Keeping busy," said Harlon. "Congratulations on your son Palan completing his Kaishi trial. Doing it on the first try like that is always impressive."

"Well, I know how dedicated he was, and he trained very hard for it," said Kalan. "Impa and I are both very proud of him."

"Speaking of Palan, I haven't seen him around in some time," said Harlon. "Is everything all right?"

"Yes, everything's fine," said Kalan. "He's doing a bit of traveling. Impa and I both encouraged him to see as much of Hyrule as he could while he's still young and has no family of his own to worry about."

"Yes, that's excellent advice. Hyrule is well worth seeing," said Kalan. "Well, say hello to him for me and offer him my late congratulations. He still keeps in touch with you, right?"

"Yes, of course. We just had a message from him," said Kalan. "I'll let him know you asked for him. Good night, Harlon."

"Good night, Master Kalan," said Harlon.

Kalan turned to go, then turned back around to see Harlon making his way up the hill toward his house, which was close to the small Swift Carrot field. Kalan felt curious about Harlon now, and his behavior had raised his suspicions. Harlon was known as a loner in the village and usually kept to himself. He was not the type to socialize, tending to speak to people only when spoken to. His behavior tonight was uncharacteristic, and he had expressed a good deal of interest in Palan. That especially bothered Kalan.

So, Kalan turned and carefully followed Harlon at a distance. And his suspicions were partly confirmed when Harlon paused at the foot of the path that led to the old Sheikah Shrine, looked around, then continued up the hill. He was clearly not going home, though it was possible there was still an innocent explanation.

Kalan followed carefully and watched Harlon go past the shrine, then take the path that veered to the right and away from the Great Fairy Fountain. Sunset Fireflies glowed near the trees as Kalan followed and saw Harlon halt, look around once more, then proceed over the narrow wooden bridge that spanned the small pond. Then Harlon stopped and stood by a rock outcropping near the old pedestal. Kalan slowly approached, then called out when he was close by.

"Hello again, Harlon," Kalan said as he approached him.

Harlon jumped in surprise, then recovered his composure.

"Hello? Oh, it's you, Master Kalan! I was just taking some air before bed," said Harlon. "I enjoy coming here. It's a peaceful spot, restful, and helps me relax. What brings you here?"

"I was taking a walk as well," said Kalan. "Then I saw you head this way and thought perhaps some company would be nice. This is certainly a peaceful spot, secluded and out of the way."

Harlon was silent, as was Kalan, and the only sound was the occasional hoot of an owl. The tension was palpable, as Kalan suspected Harlon was waiting for someone and could not afford to let Kalan catch him in the act. Harlon fidgeted a bit, but Kalan pretended to take no notice. Then suddenly, Harlon drew a knife and lunged at Kalan. But Kalan expected that and already had a knife in his hand that he had kept concealed. He stabbed Harlon in the heart, ending the fight almost before it began. Harlon's lifeless body slumped to the ground, and Kalan dragged it out of sight. Then Kalan covered his head with his hood and hid behind a tree.

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