Chapter 35 - Life Goes on In Zora's Domain

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Life Goes on In Zora's Domain

Summary: The first month of Mipha's rule as Link adjusts to the new reality.

The first several days after King Dorephan's funeral were difficult for Mipha but especially difficult for Sidon.

Besides dealing with her grief, Mipha suddenly had a huge responsibility at what would be considered by Zora standards a young age for a ruler. And she still had two young children to care for as well. But Sidon was probably the one most deeply affected by King Dorephan's death. His last memory of his father was of him ordering the two guards with them to rush him to safety. And while not a young child, he was still not considered an adult. He was probably the Hylian equivalent of an early teenager, Link thought, certainly a young age to lose his last living parent. He and Mipha would have to take special care of him now and help him over this difficult time. After dinner one evening Mipha took Sidon aside and spoke to him while Link was busy with Mila and Midon.

"Sidon, I know this is very hard for you. It's hard for me too. But I want you to know that your home is with us now and Link and I are both here for you. Please remember I am never too busy. I have given the Royal Guards instructions that they should interrupt me anytime you need me. And Link is also going to be spending more time with you," said Mipha.

"Thank you, Sis," said Sidon. "I know it's hard on you too. Speaking of Link, would it be alright if he starts teaching me some combat skills? I know he used to play mock battles with me when I was younger, but this would be serious training. I would like to be able to fight back if I ever see the Yiga Clan again."

"That's fine," said Mipha. "It would be good to learn some fighting skills. But for now, if you ever do see any Yiga Clan, you leave the fighting to the guards. You have a lot to learn before you can tackle an experienced warrior, so remember that. When I get more settled into my duties, I want to start taking you to Ruta and teaching you how to operate her."

"Alright," said Sidon. "You know, I've always been afraid of Ruta, it looks so large and powerful."

"Ruta is large and powerful, and it will take time. But once you get to know Ruta, you'll be more at ease. And you'll start calling Ruta 'her,' not 'it,'" said Mipha. "I don't think we will need Ruta for Ganon in our lifetime, but she may serve another purpose protecting our Domain. So, it will be good for you to get familiar with her. But don't be nervous. I will help you."

It was a week after the funeral that Edra came to see Mipha.

"Your Majesty, we need to make arrangements for your public coronation," said Edra.

"Is a public ceremony really necessary?" said Mipha. "I feel somewhat uncomfortable under the circumstances."

"It is not legally required, Your Majesty, but it is customary and expected. In your first address to people as Queen, you declared your support for them and your wish to rule with their hopes in mind. The coronation is the people's way of showing their support for you. Unless you feel strongly about it, I believe it would be good to hold it."

"Very well," said Mipha. "But please keep it as simple as possible and no outside guests. This is just for our people."

"As you wish, Your Majesty," said Edra.

So, arrangements started being made for the ceremony in one week's time. When the day before the ceremony arrived, Edra again met with Mipha.

"Your Majesty, one last detail," said Edra. "We have selected a crown for you from the Zora royal collection. The last Zora Queen was quite some time ago, but an ancestor of yours wore this, and I hope you will find it suitable. You need only wear it on special occasions."

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