Chapter 65 - A Link to the Future - Part 1

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Summary: Link's attempt to chip a souvenir from a newly exposed Luminous Stone goes tragically wrong.

It was a week after Link's transformation back to a Hylian, and the family had finished breakfast together. Midon, Lapha, and Linky had already left for class. Mila and Mipha remained alone in the dining room while Link was cleaning up in the kitchen.

"I meant to ask you, Mom, why you put all those pictures back up," said Mila.

"I'm sorry," said Mipha. "But do you remember why we took them down in the first place? That was something that differs from our past memory because of the timeline change for your grandfather."

"Oh," said Mila. "As I recall, you said you took them down because you thought it made Dad remember too much about the past. You wanted him to think more about the present and the future. He agreed with you. I guess he's gotten over that now?"

"I see," said Mipha. "Well, he's gotten over it to a great extent at least. I guess some things will always make him remember what happened. I think we can leave them up for now and see if it changes his mood."

"Having a keen interest in history, I'm not upset about someone thinking a lot about the past," laughed Mila. "And I've enjoyed helping Dad with his journals."

"Yes, I know," laughed Mipha. "And in your father's case, given his memory issues, it's probably a good idea to record things as he remembers them. Who knows what he will forget again?"

Mipha paused for a moment as she thought back.

"But, Mila, it's just that you don't know how your father used to be when we first married," said Mipha. "He used to suffer from nightmares. His mind was obviously damaged by the recovery process in the Shrine of Resurrection. And then, the timeline change caused additional stress on his memory by confusing the two realities. He would sometimes wake up shivering or even screaming, battling in his mind some horrible monster, or reliving the loss of someone, mostly me from what he later said. It was his subconscious mind remembering things as he slept, things he alone lived through, most of which never happened anymore. The nightmares became less frequent over time and finally went away. I always worried that too much attention to the past would trigger them again. But he's been much better for years now, so it should be fine."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Mom. Dad's always been so steady, loving, and comforting to me, and that's how I think of him," said Mila. "He used to hold me when I was small and make me feel so secure like he would protect me from everything. Sometimes he would hum a song to me as I rested my head on his shoulder. It's hard for me to think of him as a ruthless killer of everything evil."

"That's just it. He's only ruthless when he needs to be," said Mipha. "And he would give his life to protect you, or any of us. That's what's so wonderful about him."

"You're okay with Dad back as a Hylian, the way he used to be?" said Mila as she looked into her mother's eyes.

"Are you reading my feelings, sweetheart?" laughed Mipha. "Then why do I even need to answer? I can accept it. It was a wonderful experience for both of us to see what life would be like together if things were different. And knowing we can return to that world together if we want to is comforting to me. But I love him just as much either way."

"I'm glad," said Mila. "I do too."

Mila gave Mipha a hug and kiss then left for class. Then Mipha joined Link as he looked out the kitchen window and the rain splashing everywhere. Link put his arm around her as they both stared out the window.

"The rain is finally supposed to stop today. I need to get out, bad weather or not," said Link. "I've been cooped up inside all week."

"I can understand that," said Mipha. "Want company? I can let Father know and skip my meeting with Sidon and him."

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