Chapter 102 - Family Togetherness

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Summary: Mipha's and Link's family have a fun weekend get-together.

It was a sunny morning in Zora's Domain as a pair of Blue Sparrows fluttered to a stop near Mikau Lake and added the sound of their cheerful chirping to the steady splash of the nearby waterfall. Mipha and Link were sleeping together in their bedroom slumber pool, and Mipha awoke first. She opened her eyes and turned to see Link floating next to her, sleeping peacefully. They had made love last night before falling asleep, and the memory gave her a warm, pleasurable feeling. Link was a loving husband and always sensitive to her feelings. Despite the many near-disasters in his life, he had managed to make her the happiest she could have ever wanted. And he was still quite cute, with those gorgeous blue eyes of his, boyishly delighted smile, and trim athletic build.

She watched as Link breathed gently in and out, and his sleep seemed peaceful, worry-free. Thank Hylia for that, she thought. His recent nightmares appeared to have stopped for now. It was hard to grasp all he had gone through, the havoc played upon his mind by losing his memory and the years spent struggling to regain it. He had forgotten so much but still remembered some horrific events, and he carried their memory bottled up in his mind, not letting them ruin his kind and generous nature. He was a remarkable person, and she loved him so very much.

She relaxed and closed her eyes again, letting her mind wander and thinking back over the many years of their relationship. She knew that some people looked back on their life and regretted the decisions they had made. That they would have done this or that differently if only they had known such and such. But she honestly couldn't think of anything about Link she would have done differently, at least anything of real significance. Yes, it would have been sweet if Link had shared his feelings for her sooner. But he had been so busy back then, preoccupied with his duty to Hyrule and guarding Princess Zelda, he couldn't have spared more time for her anyway. And the business with Zelda and Astra wasn't his fault. So, no, she wouldn't change a thing. She was delighted with how life had turned out. Suddenly a soft familiar voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Morning, sweetheart. You're awake?" said Link gently, smiling at her. "You were breathing, so I assumed you must have woken up."

She reached out in answer, and they embraced, then kissed once, and then kissed again.

"I guess you are awake!" laughed Link. "That was a nice affectionate, good morning!"

"We had a nice affectionate, goodnight too. I love you," said Mipha as she gently caressed the side of his face with her hand. "I love you so much!"

"And you know I love you with all my heart," said Link. "Is anything wrong?"

"Oh? Kissing you and saying I love you makes you think something's wrong?" teased Mipha.

"No, no, it's just that ..." said Link.

"No, nothing's wrong, sweetheart," laughed Mipha interrupting him. "Just the opposite. I was thinking back over our life together and how right everything is."

"Yes, our journey together has been wonderful," said Link. "But as you keep telling me, the journey is far from over."

"Very true, sweetheart," said Mipha as she gently rubbed his shoulder. "Speaking of which, we should get up. Remember, we have our whole family visiting this weekend. Since there are seven of us, I thought perhaps we could turn our lunch into a picnic and eat outside by Mikau Lake. It would be less crowded that way."

"Fine with me," said Link. "I can get everything ready. I assume you will catch the fish later?"

"Unless you want to," laughed Mipha. "It would give you some exercise."

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