Chapter 123 - Spies Among the Spies-Part 1

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Summary: The North Hyrule scientists make some progress. Mipha and Link begin to investigate enemy activity in the Eldin Region.

In an underground cave in the Eldin Region, Lieutenant Kenyon was overseeing spy activity as best he could. The Hyrule Castle area was supervised directly by the captain, but he was responsible for the other four regions. Three of the spies under his command who were tasked with tracking leaders had reported in, one each from Gerudo Town, Rito Village, and Goron City. But the fourth, Sergeant Logan in Zora's Domain, had not, the sole exception.

Kenyon shook his head and muttered to himself. He had urged the captain not to assign Logan to Zora's Domain again, that he was bound to make some mistake as he had with the jar at East Reservoir Lake. But the captain had overruled his objections, apparently impressed by Logan's resourcefulness in shooting Zora Champion Mipha to death with a Shock Arrow. Besides, the captain had said, Logan was familiar with Zora's Domain. He was the best man for the job! What a joke thought Kenyon.

Anyway, Logan hadn't reported in, and who knew what had happened? It could be as simple as he dropped his communicator in the Lake to the extreme of being discovered and killed. The captain hated to hear I told you so, but Kenyon would find it hard to resist. He tried one more time to raise Logan, but without success.

That same afternoon, Lapha prepared to journey with the Lens of Truth and a sample of the invisible cloth to the Royal Ancient Tech Lab just west of Hyrule Castle.

"Here's the piece of strap you asked for," said Mipha handing her a packet containing a small piece of one of the invisible backpack straps. "Be safe and be careful. Our enemy may soon realize that their soldier met his untimely end."

"I will, Mom," said Lapha. "And Uncle Sidon assigned two guards to accompany me there and back. Is Dad out?"

"He's swimming with Tara, Tila, and your little brother," said Mipha. "I have a meeting with your uncle in a few minutes to discuss Domain defenses, so I stayed behind."

"Then I'll be off," said Lapha hugging and kissing Mipha. "I'll be back late tomorrow, hopefully with some answers."

Lapha went outside and met the two guards, Greve and Manto.

"All set?" said Lapha.

"Ready when you are, Princess Lapha," said Mento.

They made their way from Mikau Lake to the Zora's Domain ferry terminal. Lapha used the Lens of Truth on the way there and up until she boarded the ferry, and found it fascinating. But she hadn't seen anything unexpected. After safely on board the boat and having cast off, she put the Lens away.

"I'll be staying at the Royal Ancient Tech Lab all night and all day tomorrow. I won't be returning home until tomorrow evening," said Lapha. "I'll Tab you when I'm ready, so please feel free to do as you wish until then."

"Thank you," said Greve. "If you don't need us by the lab then, Manto and I will probably hang out at Castle Town. There's a restaurant there that serves fresh saltwater fish that's quite the splash."

"Yes, I know it well," said Lapha. "You'll enjoy it."

"May we ask how seriously Lady Mipha was injured?" said Manto. "We were overflowing with prayers of gratitude to Nayru when we learned she was still alive. I've never seen so many people so happy at one time! Everyone loves your mother, Princess Lapha."

"She almost didn't survive," said Lapha. "She was attacked with a Shock Arrow, and in a coma for some time. As my uncle said, we concealed her survival to buy some time. But she's fully recovered."

The ferry picked up speed as it headed north. Lapha planned to stay onboard the ferry past its Castle Town stop as it circled north of Hyrule Castle and then disembark at the stop by the lab where Purah and Robbie were eagerly awaiting her arrival with the Lens.

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