Chapter 111 - Addition and Subtraction

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Summary: Suspecting Link might be discovered, Zelda had Purah's department monitor Tab activity, and Purah decrypts a secret message. Young Link's wife, Tila, becomes pregnant. A Sheikah from North Hyrule turns up missing.

It was late in the evening of the day Link returned to Zora's Domain from Gerudo Town, and it was pouring rain again. Link had just finished telling his story at and after dinner with Mipha, Mila, Midon, and Lapha.

"When you began your return trip, did you remember to turn off the special Tab they gave you, Dad, as I asked you to?" said Midon.

"Yes, I remembered to do that when I boarded the PAT for the homeward trip," said Link.

"Are you sure no one followed you?" said Lapha.

"As sure as I could be," said Link. "Unless multiple people were working together, I'm pretty sure I wasn't, and I don't think there was time for anyone to set up a surveillance team like that. Afterward, I did regret something, though. I forgot that someone in the structure adjacent to the Noble Canteen could overhear my conversation with Banya. We should have spoken elsewhere, but it was hard to orchestrate that in the guise of taking her out for a drink."

"Well, that was a long but interesting story, and I haven't been sleeping well," said Mila. "Thank goodness tomorrow is the weekend! I need to flop the pool now. It's good to have you home again, Dad, really good."

Everyone rose and exchanged goodnight hugs, then went to their rooms. Link was finally alone with Mipha in their room, and he rushed to her and took her in his arms.

"I missed you so, so much, sweetheart," said Link as he held her close, and she held him, then she bent down, and they kissed several times.

"Join me in the water," laughed Mipha finally. "My neck and back are getting stiff!"

"Is it my fault that Zora's grow so tall?" laughed Link. "And I don't mind giving you a massage, by the way."

It was easier for them to kiss in the water since their heads floated at the same level. Link undressed and joined her in their slumber pool. The water was clean, clear, and refreshing, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I always miss you terribly when you're gone," said Mipha as she stroked his hair. "Did you think of me while you were away?"

"Of course I did," said Link as he gently massaged her neck. "I just couldn't Tab you as often as I would have liked. I, um, got caught up in the mission a bit more than I intended. Speaking of being tall, maybe it's their height, but Gerudo women can certainly handle their drinks a lot better than I can."

"Mila worried about you so much she couldn't sleep," said Mipha. "I hope you realize how much we all love you."

"Of course I do, sweetheart," said Link. "And I love all of you just as much."

"If you are going on any more missions, I want you to speak with Dr. Purah about the possibility of using her age reducing rune once again," said Mipha. "We both went to North Hyrule to help discover the key to that. She owes you her support."

"Seriously? You think that's necessary?" said Link. "I'm sure Purah would help if I asked her. She's just never been satisfied that she perfected that rune. She's not sure about possible side-effects, and she also told me there's no guarantee it would work a second time."

"I think it could be helpful," said Mipha. "Besides, you're passing me in age again. You told me you wanted to keep even with me."

"I do want to. How many years would I have to take off? I can never figure out equivalent Zora years because your growth rate fluctuates from age to age."

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