Chapter 34 - Queen Mipha

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Summary: A tragic event forces Mipha to become Zora ruler much sooner than expected.

What Link remembered afterward was how quickly it had happened. It was all fun and happiness one minute, and tragedy the next.

Mipha, Link, and the children were all together, swimming at East Reservoir Lake. Everyone was having fun in the water playing tag or racing each other when four Zora guards came running to the pier. Two of them dove into the water and raced over to Mipha.

"Lady Mipha," said one of the guards, "you and your family need to come with us at once."

"What is it?" said Mipha.

"Something has happened to His Majesty," said the guard. "Please come at once."

They all rushed out of the water.

"It might be best if two of us take the children home, Lady Mipha," said the guard in charge.

"Alright, if you think it best. But what happened to my father? Is he alright?" said Mipha.

"I do not know Lady Mipha," said the guard. "We were ordered to bring your family to safety and return with you to the Domain."

"Mila and Midon," said Mipha. "Dad and I need to help with something. These guards will take you home."

When they got back to the Domain, it was clear something was terribly wrong. All the guards were on a high state of alert. One of the Council of Elders, Edra, met Mipha and Link as they entered the Domain. Two guards had left with the children, but two remained with Mipha.

"l am very sorry, Lady Mipha, to have to tell you this," said Edra. "A short time ago, His Majesty suffered a fatal wound in a Yiga Clan attack."

"Oh, no, no, no! Not Father!" Mipha cried out.

Link put his arm around her.

"Where is he? Is Sidon alright?" said Mipha.

"This way," said Edra. "Prince Sidon is safe and unharmed."

It was a short walk to one of the upper levels. King Dorephan's body lay on the pathway near the east bridge, several wounds clearly visible. Sidon was there, and he rushed over to Mipha when he saw her and they hugged each other.

"Sis, he sacrificed himself for me," Sidon said between sobs.

Mipha tried to console Sidon as they hugged each other, and Link started to look around. There had evidently been a battle here, and from the four sets of Yiga Clan weapons on the ground, it was clear that four Yiga Clan warriors had been destroyed. Link approached Edra.

"What happened?" said Link.

"His Majesty and Prince Sidon were walking along here when four Yiga Clan warriors attacked. The two royal guards with them prepared to defend everyone, but His Majesty ordered them to take Prince Sidon to safety, which they did. Apparently, His Majesty was able to defeat three of the Yiga Clan warriors on his own, but a returning guard saw the fourth deliver a fatal stab to His Majesty's back. The guard destroyed the fourth Yiga Clan warrior with a spear throw, but it was too late. His Majesty died instantly."

"Thank you," said Link. As if he didn't already hate the Yiga Clan for all the suffering they had caused, this was even more personal. He would never forget this attack on his family. He returned to Mipha and Sidon. It was hard to find the right thing to say, but he hugged them both.

"Sidon, whatever happened was not your fault. Our father always promised to take care of us, and that is what he was doing. We will all have to do some growing up sooner than we expected, but I will take care of you from now on," said Mipha. "Come home with us. I need to tell the children."

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