Chapter 141 - The First Flame

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Summary: Link is talked out of overextending himself. The enemy takes the first step, lighting one of the three flames.

"I missed you, sweetheart," said Queen Zelda as she hugged and kissed Astra. "Did you enjoy your visit?"

It was an early afternoon at Hyrule Castle, and Astra had just returned after a week's visit to Zora's Domain.

"I loved it, Mom, especially playing with Tara," said Astra. "She's a lot of fun! And I even learned how to sleep in the water in one of their slumber pools."

"Well, good for you," laughed Zelda. "Maybe I should try it sometime. Your Uncle Link swears by it."

"Why did you send soldiers to accompany me back?" asked Astra. "Uncle Link would have taken me home."

"I spoke with your Uncle Link, and he agreed with me that it might be best this time, sweetheart," said Zelda.

"Anyway, Tara asked if I could visit North Hyrule with her sometime," said Astra. "I said I would ask you about it. I would like to visit if I could."

"Let me think about it," said Zelda. "A lot is going on at the moment. But say hello to your sister now. I know you feel she only thinks about Horwell these days, but that's not true. She asked me every day if I knew how you were, and I know she missed you this past week."

"Aww, that's sweet," said Astra. "I'll go visit Zel right now then. I should have Tabbed her, but I was in the water a lot, and I was also afraid of disturbing Horwell. See you later, Mom."

Astra ran off to visit her sister, and Zelda paused to think. Was it safe for Astra to visit North Hyrule? If Tila and young Link were with her, it should be. Young Link had done a fine job guarding her other daughter. She'd think about it some more before deciding.

When Astra arrived where her sister lived, Horwell was taking a nap next door, and Randall was out.

"Hey, you're back!" exclaimed Princess Zelda as she stood up, reached out, and Astra ran to her for a hug and kiss. "It looks like you got some sun, but it looks good on you. Sit down and let me fix your hair."

"Yeah, I was outside a lot, Sis," said Astra, sitting down as Zelda picked up a brush and worked on Astra's hair. "And I was in the water a lot too. Are you doing okay? Horwell and Randall too?"

"Yes, everyone's fine," said Princess Zelda. "Horwell is talking more and more. I'm sure he'll be thrilled to see you when he wakes up. How are Uncle Link and the family?"

"The same," said Astra. "I didn't get to see Lapha, but everyone else is fine. Midon is a bit of a clown. And Tara is getting big, and we played a lot together."

"Stay and tell me all about your visit," said Zelda as she worked on Astra's hair. "You can help me with Horwell when he wakes up."

"Sure, I'd like that," said Astra. "Let me think. Where should I start? Well, I did combat simulations every morning, Zel, and I'm getting better. I think you'd be impressed."

"I'm sure I would be," said Princess Zelda. "Give me some examples."

"Uncle Link taught me some tricks with that flurry rush skill we both have," said Astra. "One involved freezing an enemy then bouncing off it from above. You wouldn't believe how fast and how high and how far you can go! He taught me how to land safely too."

"Really? And that would work in real life?" Princess Zelda asked.

"Definitely, Zel," said Astra. "These simulations are totally realistic. Except you don't really die or get hurt when you mess up, of course. It's funny, but Cousin Midon, on his tour of Zora's Domain, told me he thinks someday people could use their Tabs to pretend they're in an imaginary land where they battle enemies and explore places. I think that would be fun."

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