Chapter 154 - Hyrule Invasion - Part 3

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Summary: Battles continue across Hyrule as forces work to contain attacks originating from corrupted shrines. A massive group of monsters moving south from the Hebra Region poses a future threat to Rito Village and beyond. Link and a contingent of Zora guards reach the shrine in Ulria Grotto, freeing Ruta for other tasks. Linky takes center stage as he makes an ill-advised trip to help liberate Hateno Village that goes awry.

After finishing his review of the list of shrines Zelda had sent him, Link had gone back into the water and fell into a deep sleep as he floated alongside Mipha inside Divine Beast Vah Ruta. His mind drifted off into a strange dream.

Link was floating in a large body of water alongside Mipha, but she looked different: her skin was a brighter shade of red than he remembered. She also looked incredibly beautiful, even more so than before. How could he not have noticed that? He couldn't take his eyes off her!

"You're staring, sweetheart, like you don't remember me," said Mipha. "Again, I might add."

"It's just that you're so breathtakingly beautiful!" said Link.

"What a funny Hylian expression, but thank you!" Mipha laughed as she extended her hand. "Come, join me."

Link took her hand, and Mipha pulled him underwater with her. He started to panic that he couldn't breathe. Then he suddenly stopped worrying. He didn't need to breathe somehow. The water was cold, clear, rejuvenating even, and felt perfect to be in. Sunlight filtered through the waves above them as a small school of Hyrule Bass scattered upon their approach. He could hear everything in the water now, the click of crab claws, the splash of fish breaking the surface to snare an unwary insect, the scraping of sand along the lakebed. Mipha looked over at him and smiled. Her smile had changed a bit too. It was still the same sweet smile he couldn't resist since their first kiss, but it was more confident now. She knew he loved her, that he was all hers, and he certainly was. And he knew that she was all his, and knowing that felt incredible. Her eyes glowed gold in the sunlight, and it gave him a warm feeling that grew inside him as he gazed into them. They both coasted to a stop underwater as if they could read each other's thoughts. Then they pulled each other close, embraced, and as they closed their eyes, their lips met. She caressed his cheek lightly as they held their mouths pressed together, their kiss seemingly endless. He felt his desire for her growing with each moment, his pleasure kissing her similar to what he remembered but different too. He pulled her tighter and caressed her impossibly soft, smooth skin.

Then Link gasped and woke up. He was floating in the water inside Ruta, and Mipha was awake and looking over at him, smiling. She brushed his hair back from his forehead.

"You were dreaming, weren't you?" said Mipha.

"Yes, and it was a very sweet dream," said Link.

"Did it involve water?"

"We were together underwater," said Link. "Like we were once upon a time."

"Ruta can have that effect on you," said Mipha. "Maybe we should sleep in Ruta more often. I'm glad we slept, though. We both needed it. But we should get up now."

"Yes," said Link. "Zelda called while you were asleep. She wanted me to remember what the trials were for some shrines. Have you been up long?"

"Not long," said Mipha. "Sidon said our defenses are holding, and we are being attacked only from those two shrines. But the continual combat is putting a strain on everyone, and he has to rotate forces often, letting guards rest. He's also worried that stronger monsters might start appearing, which will take even more guards to contain and risk casualties. Fortunately, Ruta has been able to bottle up the Ulria Grotto shrine, at least. But Sidon needs to rest too. I will need to take over from him for a while."

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