Chapter 158 - Hyrule Invasion - Part 7

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Summary: Monster attacks continue throughout Hyrule as Princess Zelda assumes command in her mother's absence. Link joins Queen Zelda at Hateno Village, and they journey together to Eventide Island.

It was morning at the Soh Kofi Shrine near Inogo Bridge, and there were now eighteen Zora guards stationed there accompanied by Midon, Linky, and Mila. Black Lizalfos were now the regular enemy and were battled in teams of six. Hours earlier, the first Silver Lizalfos had appeared, and it was agreed that Linky and Midon would save their strength to aid in the fight against these stronger enemies, and the Zora guards would handle anything weaker. As Link had demonstrated, generous use of Ice Arrows led to easier and safer combat.

But it was not foolproof. One Lizalfos had shaken off the effects of an Ice Arrow sooner than expected and managed to slash one of the guards with its weapon before finally being destroyed.

"Here, let me help you," said Mila as she rushed to aid the Zora guard, who was clutching his shoulder in pain.

"Thank you, Lady Mila, having you here is a blessing," the guard moaned as she used her inherited healing magic to close the wound. "Those things are fast!"

When the wound was healed, Mila returned to where Midon and Linky were sitting, weapons in hand. Both looked tired but determined and were relieved to get some rest when anything less than a Silver enemy appeared.

"Do you need some more fish?" Mila asked, but both shook their head. They had eaten a Hearty Bass not too much earlier, though its effects were wearing off.

"Maybe in an hour or so when the other guards eat," said Midon, and Linky shook his head in agreement. Mila yawned, then sat with them and waited.

Meanwhile, it was morning at Hyrule Castle, and Queen Zelda was saying goodbye to her two daughters before leaving to meet Link at Hateno Village. Zelda was wearing the Sheikah outfit Impa had supplied her with and had the Bow of Light with her.

"You look very Sheikah, Mom," said Astra. "It's cool!"

"It's for added stealth, sweetheart," said Zelda. "The outfit is very comfortable."

"It looks good on you, Mother," said Princess Zelda.

"Thank you," said Queen Zelda. "Well, it's time for me to go. Zelda, do you have any questions before I leave?"

"No, Mother, we've been over everything, and I feel comfortable handling your duties while you're gone," said Princess Zelda. "I will work with General Haston after you leave."

"I still think I should go with you, Mom," said Astra. "I could help."

"I know you could, dear," said Queen Zelda. "But Link will be with me, and he wants to keep it to just the two of us. Besides, I feel better knowing you will be here to defend our people if necessary, including our family."

Then Queen Zelda stood to go, and she hugged and kissed each of them.

"Give Horwell a kiss for me," said Queen Zelda. "He's an adorable little boy."

"I will," said Princess Zelda.

"I love you both so very much," said Zelda. "I've had the joy and privilege of watching you grow into the capable individuals you've become, and I couldn't be prouder of you. Be well, and may Hylia watch over you."

"I love you, and may Hylia watch over you, Mother," said Princess Zelda.

"I love you too, Mom," said Astra, as she wiped her eyes.

Queen Zelda left while Astra and Princess Zelda watched her go.

"You know, Astra, at first I felt uncomfortable about Mother using that anti-aging rune to make herself young again," said Princess Zelda. "Now, I'm glad she did."

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