Chapter 124 - Spies Among the Spies - Part 2

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Summary: Mipha and Link infiltrate enemy headquarters and learn what they can, including a surprise about their leader. North Hyrule Scientists develop a plan to disable the invisibility garments.

It was early afternoon as Mipha and Link sat patiently above the foot of Gortram Cliff in the Eldin Region, awaiting the next opportunity to sneak into the enemy's hideout. Link leaned over and put his head close to Mipha, which caused her to jerk her head back in surprise as he was invisible to her.

"Sorry, I forgot, sweetheart," whispered Link. "We might need to drink another elixir soon, but we still have about an hour to go."

Mipha nodded.

"If we get a chance and that door opens up, we should move quickly. We'll hold hands, but I'll go in first. If you can't or shouldn't follow me inside, you can head back and alert them to the location of the hideout."

Mipha ignored the second comment, and Link straightened up.

Another hour passed, and they finally had no choice but to consume their second batch of elixir each. Afterward, Mipha leaned her head against Link, and he put his arm around her. It was boring sitting and waiting like this, but it was an opportunity they might not get again. Another hour or so passed, and finally, they heard something.

Link looked up, and he could make out someone approaching the lava pool from the west. He covered Mipha's mouth with his hand, and Mipha nodded, though she couldn't see the person. The stranger paused at the pool and spoke into a communication device. Then the lava pool began to drain as before, and when the lava was gone, a rock covered doorway opened up. The traveler entered and disappeared from Link's view.

Link had been holding Mipha's hand all this time, and now with a tug, he indicated they needed to go. They quietly made their way down the cliff side to the empty lava basin, and the door was still open. Link entered, and Mipha followed right behind him. Then they halted. A small panel with a pair of lights was visible next to the door, and the green light was lit. A moment later, the green light went out, and the red lamp flashed as the door closed behind them. Once closed, the red lamp glowed a steady red. Presumably, the lava pool was refilling, and they were sealed inside the enemy hideout, though it wasn't clear what had caused the door to close.

There was only a single tunnel, and it led straight ahead, sloping downward deeper into the ground. No one was in sight, so Mipha and Link quietly made their way along the tunnel. The air grew colder as they descended, and Luminous Stones along the wall lit the way. There was no sign yet of the person who had preceded them, and there was only one passageway, so they continued. Link thought he could hear music faintly in the distance, but then it suddenly stopped.

As they descended further, they could make out voices and the glow from a bright light ahead. They crept closer so they could hear, then Link squeezed Mipha's hand to stop.

"I wish they would do something about those damn boulders, build a fence or a wall or something," said one voice. "The other day, I had just gotten outside when I hear this noise. I turn around, and there's this boulder as big as a horse rolling by, just missing me!"

"Ouch! You're lucky," said a second voice. "But you know we're not supposed to do anything that might give away our location. Our orders are to leave everything outside untouched."

"I know, I'm just saying," said the first voice. "There, I finally got this thing off. Can you hand me the container?"

"Yes, but please handle the outfit with care," said the second voice. "It costs a fortune, and those outfits are in limited supply!"

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