Chapter 109 - Kara Kara Shopping

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Summary: Link begins his mission by visiting the Kara Kara Shopping Center in search of information.

A small package arrived in the evening addressed to Link and containing a new Tab and some pills in a bottle labeled vitamins. A short note explained that each tablet would modify the pitch of his voice for three hours to make him sound more like a Vai. The Tab was intended to replace his current one.

"Well, that's it in a nutshell, or a snail shell I should say," said Link after he explained his mission to his family at dinner. "I still struggle to remember the right Zora expression."

"Never mind your Zora grammar, Dad," said Mila. "My question is, why are you always the one that has to do this? Haven't you already done enough? And haven't you already put your family through enough worry?"

"I think it's because I have the most experience," said Link. "And Queen Zelda feels I can get to the bottom of things better than anyone else."

"I hope she finds someone else soon!" said Mila. "My stomach bubbles over every time you go off on one of these missions. Who knows what will happen? For the love of Hylia, look what happened the last time!"

"That was different, Mila," said Link. "I still know how to take care of myself. I promise all of you that I'll be careful."

"Does Linky know about this?" said Lapha, lapsing back to her old term for young Link.

"Not yet, but I will let him know," said Link. "And please remember this is confidential. My life may depend on no one knowing what I'm doing."

"I thought you told us the mission wasn't perilous," said Lapha. "Now, your life may be at risk? That seems to me to be the very definition of perilous."

"I meant if nobody draws attention to me, the mission should not be perilous," said Link. "I am traveling as a simple Sheikah tourist."

"All right, Dad," said Midon. "I'll set up the new Tab they sent over for you to use while on the mission. You'll have to leave your current Tab behind. What name are you going under?"

"Um, I haven't picked one yet, but I need one that will work if I'm a man or disguised as a woman," said Link.

"How about 'Dorian'?" said Lapha. "That sounds Sheikah like and could work for either gender."

"Does that work? All right, Dorian, it is then," said Link.

"So your message handle will be Dorian3_KV, the KV standing for Kakariko Village," said Midon. "And I am setting something else up too. You have a sister that you like to keep in touch with. Her name is Vanta. Just think of V for Veiled Falls. It's safe to message her and let her know how you are. Her address is Vanta_KV. Okay?"

"Yes, that's fine," said Link. "Do I get along with her?"

"Ask Mom," said Midon. "Messages to and from Vanta will be going to and from Mom. But no one will be able to crack that. Just don't say anything to give it away. I mean, remember Vanta is supposed to be your sister, not your wife."

"I get it," said Link. "I will also need to leave my sword behind as someone may recognize it. I'll carry a dagger instead."

"Ironically, you used to be sad no one recognized you anymore," said Mipha. "Now that works to your advantage."

"Yes, that's true," said Link shaking his head.

That night when Mipha and Link retired to their room, Link mounted the sword that seals the darkness in a sword holder he had installed on the wall.

"It will feel strange traveling without my sword," said Link as he stared at it. "You know, I used to have a weapon mount in my old Hateno Village house, and I used to dust off the weapons there, keep them clean. They had sentimental value and held memories for me back then. And so does this sword. We've been through a lot together."

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