Chapter 133 - Reliving Things

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Summary: A flashback triggered by an old Mipha diary entry causes Link to recover his memory of their Lynel battle on Ploymus Mountain. Link and Mipha plan to begin training together using Purah's simulation process. Tara and her family visit Hyrule Castle to see the new baby. A stranger pays a visit to the horned statue at Hateno Village.

Blood Moon (Noun): 1: An astronomical event in which the moon turns fiery red, sometimes associated with a lunar eclipse. 2: In Champion Link's Journal, an occasion when Ganon's power grew, and the spirits of monsters slain in the name of the light returned to flesh. -Royal Hylian Dictionary

It was morning at Zora's Domain, and Link, Mipha, and Mila were having breakfast together. Tara and her family were visiting Princess Zelda and the baby at Hyrule Castle, and Midon left early to work by the Rutala Dam, where Larena was working as well.

"Thanks for catching the fish for me, Mila," said Link as he sat down with his cooked fish.

"No problem, Dad," said Mila. "By the way, do you think you might have time to get back to organizing your journal? I would like to start getting some of it ready for publication."

"Oh," said Link after swallowing a bite. "Well, you know, sweetheart, I've been pretty busy. A lot has been going on of late."

"I know, Dad, but can you at least start on it this morning?" said Mila. "Mom has a meeting with Grandfather, and I'll be leaving to teach after breakfast. Everyone else is out, and you'll have the house all to yourself."

"Yes, sweetheart, you really should start organizing things," said Mipha. "It's not fair to Mila to expect her to do all the work."

"Yes, I guess you're both right," sighed Link. "I'll start this morning."

Link didn't enjoy organizing his writing. He preferred to write and move on. But having agreed to do it, when the time came, he kissed Mila and Mipha goodbye, then headed upstairs to the room that served as their study and library. He sighed again as he looked over at all the papers strewn about the shelves. Purah would be proud of his disorganization! Many documents were lying about, and most were chapters from his journal. And sadly, they would all require sorting by date.

He started looking through them, taking down piles of paper and arranging them in order. But as he reached one shelf, he spotted Mipha's old diary sitting at the far end. He had to smile when he saw it, for this was the diary Mipha had kept before they married, the very same one he had quoted from in front of Zelda and the Champions to prove he was from the future. Mipha hadn't let him forget her embarrassment, but she finally got over it.

Link took down her diary from the shelf, wiped some dust off the cover, then opened it and began reading. As he paged through the diary, he recalled a good deal of it. After all, he had memorized it at one time. There was the part describing how they first met. But then, as he turned another few pages and continued reading, something happened as he came upon the following passage.

"Link came to visit me. It had been ages. I told him the Lynel of Ploymus Mountain has been terrorizing everyone lately. When I said that, he started walking toward the mountain, without a word. Spellbound, I followed him there."

Suddenly he began to have a flashback, something he hadn't had in some time now. These flashbacks were always so unpredictable! But it all started to come back to him, and he began to remember that incident. He closed his eyes, and in his mind, he was back with Mipha over thirty-five years ago.

It was a sunny afternoon, and he was walking with Mipha near Lulu Lake. He was wearing his Hylian outfit, his hood folded back behind his head, and the sword that seals the darkness on his back. Mipha looked magnificent in her Zora jewelry, her braided gold aiguillette draped over her left shoulder, and carrying her Lightscale Trident. They passed a small clump of pine trees and some purple shrubs that looked like sea coral. The sound of the waterfall splashing into the lake filled the air, and a Blue-Winged Heron flew away as they approached.

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