BEN10 Og season 1 .5 Before the begging

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As you are traveling in the cosmos like you know what will happen in your future you then go and see that someone is calling for you and what seems to also be crying but before you can see who they are you alarm starts beeping at max volume like always and you fall out of bed as you.

 Groan and get changed to start your day you see on your calendar that today is the last day of school and that you can finally have the summer vacation with your parents that you've been planning just as long as your best friend has been telling you about them going on a camping.

 Trip as well and as your bursting with excitement you run out the door but stop when you see the usual scene of no one but you at home and a new note and as you go to read it you find that your parents are making the last of their rounds and get ready so that the camping trip can.

 Begin and as you make your breakfast like you usually do for as long as you can remember you get your jacket and head out the door for school wondering what might happen on the last day of school before summer vacation while also hoping that your summer plans don't get ruined.

 As you get into class you see the usual scene except this time no one can hide their excitement even the teachers are counting the hours before they can finally clock out for the break but also once class starts everyone goes on like usual except one person your best friend as you watch.

 Them throw paper airplanes and beg for the clock to turn faster for school to end and when it does end you see them wait for the teacher to finish there speech before running out the door just like everyone else except you as you go to the teacher.

Teacher: "Hello Mr. L/n what can I do for you."

Y/n: "I was wondering about the summer school enrollment is there a time limit for when I can sign up or does that have to be right know."

When you ask your teacher that they become speechless because not only are you a straight A student you have never gotten any question or work assignment wrong in any of your classes.

Teacher: "Now why would you be wondering about that because I don't see a reason as to why you would need it."

Y/n: "You never know its just something that might help past the time and it couldn't hurt to learn more subjects."

Teacher: "Well if you must know there isn't anytime limit but the requirements are for those that are failing or close to failing their classes so even if there was a deadline to sign up you wouldn't be able to sorry and hope you have a good summer."

She says as she waves and what you think shoos you goodbye as you leave you see the schools two bullies who were about to try and harass you but when they saw who it was they turned tail and ran because the last time they did something to you it was something that would not be.

 Best repeated and after you laugh at them tripping and falling to get away from you, you could have sworn you saw the Tennyson family's r.v. leaving the schools lot but you thought nothing of it because you were finally going to have a long summer break with your parents you could.

 Barley contain your excitement and it got even harder for you to hold it in when you saw the family car get packed with what you would all be needing for the road trip all that was left to pack was your stuff and you ran into your room and got all the money you had been saving from.

 Your weekly allowance which was way more than a normal kid would have because they wanted you to spend it with friends and get takeout to have fun even when they weren't there but you never spent it because you thought it would be better to just have fun with no cash with friends. Or try and learn to cook on your own or with others when you got hungry and after you were done packing that you grabbed your.

Pda that you stole- you mean exchanged from a couple of guys who didn't need it anymore after you had I nice long chat with them.

And when you were done packing your things you saw your parents talking on the phone and as they were off doing there jobs over the phone you started to make a quick and easy lunch for 5 people for a week because you had nothing better to do and w...

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And when you were done packing your things you saw your parents talking on the phone and as they were off doing there jobs over the phone you started to make a quick and easy lunch for 5 people for a week because you had nothing better to do and why not make sure you and other.

 People *wink wink* would have something nice to enjoy while talking and having fun and when all of that was done you saw that it was starting to get dark but you didn't care you were going to have fun with your family something you have been wishing for as long as you could remember.

 But fate had other plans because as soon as you got there not only was there a forest fire in the distance but you parents where getting emergency calls like crazy which didn't stop even long after the forest fire did and as they were talking you went of exploring....

Yes I am going to leave it at there because the rest is going to be somewhat in-between the first half of the show and what's left with my own thoughts dribbled in to it but hope you guys enjoy it so far and please if you have any thought for names let me know and what you would also like. Me to add or change but what I really want to know is would you want a gender bender or regular for certain characters that I have in mind because the sooner you guys let me know the sooner I can get the real first part of the chapter done Till then stay safe and peace.

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