Double or Nothing...

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As Y/n groggily wakes up with a headache so sever it felt like someone hit him over the head with something, he tries to move around only to be stopped by some sort of chain around his legs, arms, neck, and waist.

Looking around Y/n spots Umbra right next to him also chained up as much as he was and in the distance Y/n could barely make out brown?, green?, silver?, or red? as they were too far away, it was too dark, and for some reason his powers didn't seem to working.

From the sounds Y/n was hearing it seemed that he and Umbra weren't the only one's to be chained up to these strange pillars? Along with the sounds of chain's Y/n could swear he heard someone or something talking about something involving "Ratings".

Along with that he could hear someone freak out before something started hissing as Y/n started smelling something strange and foul before then passing out once again just as something bright appeared before him.

When Y/n woke up next he saw that Umbra was wearing a forced smile along with his eyes looking glazed over like he wasn't even there anymore and in the distance he could see Ben and Albedo both of which looked like siblings and were acting like pompous rich ones at that while having the same face as Umbra.

Much to Y/n's horror however was the fact that not only was he forced to be part of what looked to be some sort of game show but that he could feel his body moving in a way that he didn't want nor did it say what he wanted it to.

When the show eventually ended everything went dark as everyone went limp except for the host who went from looking happy to supper annoyed as his once happy face turned completely sour as his outfit changed into a worn-down hobo looking version of his previous clothes.

Host: "(Rumbles and Grumbles as his skin starts to turn blue) Ah, if only I didn't have to work with trash like these lot to get good ratings or even have a payday. (Goes over to Ben and Albedo who are now drooling along with being dressed back to normal) The great Ben Tennyson and their opposite being forced to take part in my games without ever realizing (Laughs like an old clown man) if my brother Bozo found out he'd probably try to disown me again."

Now the clown man walks with a limp as his roulette wheel turned into a giant blueish orb as the clown man put something over his face as the machine began glowing with the familiar scent appearing as the clown man stared what appeared to be daggers at Y/n.

Next thing Y/n knew he was inside his room in his own house but he could tell things were different since first of all Sibella wasn't there and the second was the fact that his other self that he hasn't seen in quite a long while was sitting on his chair acting out what Y/n would normally do.

Along with that were pictures of things that he didn't do and pictures of something that he did do but seemed to be twisted in some way that Y/n couldn't quite tell but he just felt like they weren't the same as they were before for some reason or another.

Having enough of this Y/n tried to walk out of his room but one of two things continued to happen which were either the door not budging or even seeming like it could be open and the other would be that whenever he did manage to open the door it seemed like he'd go right back in like a roundabout.

-Meanwhile outside in the real world-

Ben, Albedo, Y/n, and Umbra were all forced into cells that had the same layout of their rooms with all their legs and arm chains being tethered to the floor as their neck and waist collars were connected to the ceiling with a smaller blueish orb being above and below them along with what the chains were connected to.

With that also came each and ever single one of them living in either peace or their best fantasy world which ever it might be as the host chuckled to himself as he began editing the recording along whatever dreams everyone was having.

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