...Nor Iron Bars a Cage

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While Ben and the rest were off going about trying to save Kevin by looking for him in the Null void, Y/n was making his rounds with Frightwig as he wanted to check up on her to see how she was getting along being a mostly free member of society.

Frightwig: "Well for the most part its alright but I occasionally miss the excitement and wonder that was both the circus and (shies away) the crimes a bit."

Y/n: "(Puts hand on shoulder) Well as long as you only miss them, then I guess its alright and besides it's not like those are the only forms of excitement in life."

Both Y/n and Frightwig look at each other for a bit as they imagine all kinds of things they could get into with each other... all alone in her apartment with no one around for miles as most of her neighbors had already left for work.

But before they could do anything however Sibella along with Julie burst through the door along with Helen for some reason? 

So now Y/n was trapped inside an apartment that wasn't his with four girls inside all looking like they have something to say both to each other and to Y/n specifically with the worst of them all being both Julie and Sibella but for different reasons.

Now Julie seemed pissed because of the fact that... Y/n honestly doesn't know and that's what really scares him the most with her since she looks like she's about to explode and the person she's staring daggers at (I.E Y/n) might be the person responsible.

Sibella on the other hand was just her normal brand of crazy that seemed to be freaking out because there were A) more than just her surrounding Y/n and B) he left for about 2 minutes all alone without telling her were she was going (even though she was fast asleep till about five seconds ago.)

Anyway looking around Y/n sees that every single one of them seem to be pissed at him for a variety of reasons and the only one that he actually knows why (besides Sibella of course) is Helen and that's only because its been a long time since he promised to call her last.

-Julies POV-

Who the heck is this lizard girl? Why is everyone here? Why the heck hasn't Y/n called or even texted me in the past month? And more importantly (looks at Sibella) what the heck is her problem? Wasn't she fine with him being with at least the rest of us after our little talk.

Julie frowns a bit because of the painful Migraine she has because of her mother's nonstop desire for her to learn more about her people and culture. Which she doesn't mind but did she have to do it nonstop for her entire spring break!

The worst thing about all of that however was that for one Y/n never asked or even said anything from all the texts she sent him, which she could understand because of his duties as both a hero and teacher for his little group... at least if they were still around since he NEVER CALLS OR TEXTS!!!

-Now time for Frightwigs POV-

Frightwig pouts like a little girl as she wonders just why everyone besides Y/n is inside her apartment when all she wanted was just a little alone time with Y/n as it's been quite awhile since either of them have seen let alone heard from one another.

What with her court hearings, trials by fire, combat, water, isolation, and many others that might not be entirely be legal but Frightwig was willing to put up with any and all of them so long as it meant that she could truly be free once and from all and be able to live in peace.

But now she has to deal with not only Y/n's crazy pet bat girl but also has to deal with two other girls that seem to have their own things going on that she can't do... well at least one of them anyway since she's pretty confident in her abilities when compared to Julie.

This Helen girl however is someone that she isn't that confident in winning against as this is their first time meeting and also because she has skills and abilities that are both obvious and some that probably aren't just like her that would be helpful with certain tasks.

Either way she looks at it however none of them could win compared to Sibella since she's been with Y/n for so long that she knows every which way he would like to have fun along with experiences of her own that probably couldn't even compare to anyone else.

-Helen's POV-

As Helen sits down on the nearby couch she begins to wonder if maybe this was all a bit much? Like she along with all these other girls (whom she just meet on the way to a nearby store with her ID mask on which made her look like a beautiful caramel skinned woman.) Just barged right into this poor woman's home just so they could all meet up with Y/n.

What makes that even worse to her is how they didn't even know he was in there and that they were all fine with breaking into some random persons apartment so long as this Sibella girl took the lead and pointed them all towards it.

-Return to Y/n's POV-

Sitting down on the floor Y/n wonders just what the heck was going on inside all their heads but more importantly why they all even came here and broke into Frightwigs apartment like they weren't afraid of anything so long as they found him.

Either way however for the past twenty minutes the room had been nothing but silent as everyone just looked around at each other with the rare bits of dialogue being when someone had to leave the place for a bit to either freshen up or to get something to snack on.

And having enough of nothing but pure silence Y/n started to speak only to then get immediately shut down by literally everyone around him as they all started talking over him about their own reasons and desires for what they did and why they did it as Y/n tried his best to listen and figure out what was going on.

And without warning or knowing what happened the girls kicked Y/n out on his own including Sibella as they all talked amongst themselves about whatever as Y/n went down to chat and hang out with Umbra and surprisingly Joshua as well.

Y/n: "Hey man what's going on? You look worse than me?"

Joshua: "(Looking like all life has been stolen from him) Oh I'm fine (he says weakly) just had some fun with Sam, Berry, and Patty as some Plumbers brought her in. (Chugs an entire can of soda which manages to make him look a little less dead) And now I'm just chilling for a bit as they all talk amongst themselves, but what you guys doing?"

Umbra: "Just random bored games."

He says as both he and Y/n have multiple hands playing multiple games all at the same time even as they were talking to Joshua with one pair of hands seeming to start a fight or something as what could be guessed to have been a chess bored got flipped over by one of them.

And as Joshua sits down to play regular games with one another they all talk, laugh, and enjoy a somewhat forced boys night in as it were as they each try and figure out just what went wrong with their love lives and how they could be better to those that love them in the future.

But for now that is all, hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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