Ready to Rumble.5

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As everyone slides down you are trying your best to skateboard down the hill with Sibella holding on as hard as she can while Charmcaster attempts to do tricks with her ice block all the way down the hill and as Ben, Gwen, and Grandpa Max reach th...

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As everyone slides down you are trying your best to skateboard down the hill with Sibella holding on as hard as she can while Charmcaster attempts to do tricks with her ice block all the way down the hill and as Ben, Gwen, and Grandpa Max reach the end safely you go flying while Charmcaster crashes.

Charmcaster & You: "Ow."

Ben: "That was so cool let's try the bigger hill this time (points to bigger hill)."

Gwen: "I think sitting on that ice gave you brain freeze; it's going to take you forever to carry that block (points to big hill) up there."

Ben: "Don't you ever get tired of being wrong (messes with the Omnitrix and becomes XLR8)."

XLR8 then runs onto of the hill and after striking a victory pose surfs down the giant hill and while he is doing that you start to feel like you're flying and unlike normal you are not the one doing it and when you looked to your right you see a laughing Charmcaster carry both you and a block of ice on top of the hill shouting.

Charmcaster: "(Laughing) I believed that you could do it!"

Y/n: "You're evil sometimes you know that."

Charmcaster: "I know."

As soon as Charmcaster drops you on top of the hill you are then forced to slide down the hill when you didn't want to and for the first part it did seem to be fun eventually the fun stopped once somehow caught up with XLR8 and once you looked at her in the eyes you knew this it was now time to race.

Once you both started racing against each other you tried your best not lose your footing but once you saw XLR8 steal a hotdog from a man you got distracted just enough for you to crash into a tree very hard and the second you crashed you heard someone screaming while also some laughter.

When you opened your eyes, you saw Charmcaster helping you back to the RV while Gwen went to check up on Ben and make sure that nothing too bad happened to him at least according to Charmcaster as she helped you lay down for a bit while you healed.

Y/n: "So why did you do that anyway?"

Charmcaster: "Thought it would be funny and it was.... At least until you rammed into a tree."

The door then opens as Ben comes in back to normal and grabs your PDA and starts using after asking for your permission first but after awhile you guess she got bored of it and started messing with Gwen's laptop.

You left her alone to do whatever she wanted while you left the Rustbucket to get some air and go on a little adventure to see what the town had to offer and if there was anything interesting the town had to offer.

Charmcaster: "(Yelling) Don't forget were going to a theater later so don't be late got it!"

Y/n: "(Yells back) Alright I'll be there!"

After walking around for a while, you eventually saw a poster for wrestling with the winner getting $10,000.

Y/n: "Ben will probably try to compete in that."

As you look over the poster you start thinking about which types of aliens Ben would probably use that could be somewhat legal in a fighting ring and as you thought about it you must have been thinking about it for a bit too long since everyone came over to you and told you that the play was starting.

The play kind of sucked but must have been cool for everyone but you and Ben since neither of you seemed to find it fun or interesting while Grandpa Max, Gwen, and Charmcaster seemed to enjoy it since they were watching everything and pretty much ignored you and Ben while you both left for a bit and started messing around in the halls until you both felt like it was time to get back to your seats.

As you were all leaving you saw Ben get interested in the Wrestling poster like you thought but for the most part you didn't really care as you left with everyone else and as everyone went to bed you somehow sneaked out of the RV without anyone noticing.

Once you were outside you started looking over the city trying your best to see what it had to offer while everyone slept and after a while you found a photo booth and after using your tech abilities thanks to Upgrade as you called Fright wig.

Since it was nighttime of course you couldn't get through to anyone on the other end so you instead left a message for her letting her know just how much you cared for her and that she should be getting a present soon.

After you hung up you walked a little bit too far into what could be considered the wrong hood since a group of people started surround you while also blocking the path that you had come from and no matter how much you tried counting them more would somehow appear.

Gangstare 1: "You going somewhere?"

Gangstare 2: "I think he trying to find some fun (laughs)."

Y/n: "I was just looking around I don't want no trouble."

Ganstare boss: "Well you found it (whistles) get him boys!"

All the gang members started walking towards you and having nothing else to do you started dodging like Muhamad Ali thanks to the enhance speed you got from XLR8 which made dodging a whole lot easier.

Gangstar boss: "How are you all this bad at roughing up a kid?"

Gangstar 1: "He's (huff) just (puff) fast."

While they were talking you started looking for a chance to get out of there and as they started getting slower you finally got spotted the way out and after you dodged for the last time you jumped on top one of them then jumped on top of an ally wall and with one final jump you managed to get out.

Y/n: "That was fun but now it's time to leave (you give a bow as you then speed away)."

When you get back to the Rustbucket you are out of breath you see that Ben had returned and was now doing Gwen's chores for a bit because Ben thought she had broken Gwen's laptop while Gwen was messing with it fully working and everything.

Y/n: "Ben did something stupid again?"

Gwen: "Yep."

Y/n: "You going to let her off early?"

Gwen: "Nope."

Y/n: "Alright (turns to Charmcaster) and what about you?"

Charmcaster: "(Full of scratches) I've been taking care of your psycho bat."

After she said that you felt Sibella fly into your face chirping happily while she crawls on top of your head refusing to let go for any reason.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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