Hit 'Em Where They Live

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As Y/n was getting the twins stuff so they could get ready for their big day as it would be the first time they would leave the house since they all had started living together and like most parents Mom and Dad were loosing their minds over all the stuff they needed to capture and record their first day at the park.

All while the two twins in question were posing in different poses as Sibella takes photos of them some what surprisingly enthusiastically... until of course you realize that they both look just like Y/n when he was their age.

Which is kind of weird not going to lie since for one thing his parents were a lot older now and defiantly a lot more chill what with them having a business that can pretty much run on its own without them and when they do help out they just fix any problems it might have had no matter how minor.

The second weirdest thing would have to be the fact that at least one of the twins was a girl! Yea yea it was real shocking when Y/n and all his friends (including Sibella) found out about it as well since they had pretty much been told by everyone that Y/n's mom was going to have twin boys.

Honestly if it was going to be that inaccurate then what the heck was the point in doing all that in the first place! Like because now the twins have pretty much everything they could possibly ever need for a small boy and barley anything for a young girl.

-Flashback to an earlier day in the week-

Of course as the parents were thinking on and about this they looked at their oldest son and his friends (mainly Ben) and realized that maybe they didn't really need to do anything else since their are also women who like to dress and act more mainly and for the most part they seemed... normal...

Mom: "Well (looking at her son and his friends as they eat in the kitchen) even if she turns out more mainly their her brother at least we can say that there are some men who would be in to that."

Dad: "(Rubs his wife's shoulder and back as he and his wife do the bouncing thing with their twin babies) If not then she can at least make sure that no can break her heart especially with a brother like Y/n."

Y/n: "(In the other room not hearing what their saying suddenly shudders and he doesn't quite know why) What the heck was that?"

Ben: "(Grabs his plate) That's the sound of me stealing your food since you took to long."

Gwen: "Ben! You shouldn't take someone's food especially inside their own house."

Kevin: "(Having a plate that is mostly everyone else's food) Why not its easy."

Ben: "See even Kevin agrees."

Gwen: "Yea well we used to fight Kevin!"

Ben: "I know so what?"

Gwen: "So his word doesn't really mean much compared to your cousin who's learning all she can about the LAW!"

Gwen the stomps her heel and walks out as Ben goes on to try and make it up to his cousin while Kevin smiles like the devil he can be sometimes as he seemed to have planned all of that so that he can ask Y/n for a favor.

-Flash back ends-

The second Y/n opens the door he sees Dr.Animo along side Hex and some elemental looking guy who seem all to thrilled to come face to face with him for some reason and as Y/n slowly closes the door he comes back half an hour later with the mail with none of them in sight.

Mom: "(Slinging the bag of pretty much everything but a baby crib) Oh thanks sweetie but also what was that noise earlier? It sounded like an old man running for his life?"

Dad: "(Carrying the twins with the male twin just asleep while the girl twin is trying her best to fight her way out) Yea as well as the sounds of a bunch of animals crying out in the rain (looks at phone) which is weird since the weather app says it's supposed to be sunny all day?"

Y/n: "(Yawns a bit) Well you know how you can't really trust those things since their almost always wrong."

Dad: "(Holding up alien phone) But son didn't you make these for your mom and me? Along with it having apps that in your words "would be far better than anything equivalent on earth"?"

Y/n: "(Slaps him forehead) Well maybe its out of date or I made it wrong since I am still (technically) only human."

The girl twin eventually managed to somehow knock herself free and was about to hit the floor which if you don't know ain't really a good idea for a month old baby or any baby really. And as everyone panicked Sibella launched towards her and managed to catch her with her back to which Y/n's baby sister somehow broke! And while all this happened the girl twin just laughed her little but off like nothing had happened as well as her not being the cause for any of it.

Y/n: "(Just staring wide eyed) And this is why I have a pet bat instead of a pet cat."

Saying that Y/n helped Sibella up who for some reason just turned back into her bat form and seemed to have fallen asleep. Which was weird and very odd since Sibella at no point had ever done anything like that before in fact she mostly just fell asleep in whatever form she was currently in.

Mom picks up Sibella's clothes and puts them up in Sibella's own little room (basically a closet between all three bedrooms) as she grabbed the little box that Y/n made that honestly seemed nicer than anything else she owned.

Eventually they all had made it to the park safe and (mostly) sound without anything too tough and difficult at least for Y/ns family meanwhile Y/n himself was practically a dead man walking from how many times he had to shift while also protecting his family without any of his family finding out.

There were of course a couple of close calls what with both of the twins probably at some point catching him in the act which Y/n was just super grateful at the fact that they couldn't talk or even remember anything around them for the most part.

Y/n: "(Deep sigh) At least hopefully because who the heck knows I mean my parents said my first words was the name of their long and difficult sounding chemical compound even for adults, heck my first memory was of me watching them do science and high level math!"

With another deep sigh Y/n once again makes sure that no one can do anything to his family as he waits for the Plumbers to hurry up and get here because the more people that attack Y/n and his family the more and more he starts entertaining the idea of not holding back anymore and just letting them have it.

Sadly for Y/n however he want's to be a good brother and not potentially scare his little siblings for the rest of their lives so the criminals that are after him basically win this round since he has to beat them a little gentler along with the fact that he can't really maim then and like come on that's like half the fun.

Any time one of the bad guys Y/n had either put away or helped put away came to attack his family well they would sadly wake up back in a jail like object along with them missing their teeth, back bone, and a lot of blood to the point where they almost always pass out.

Thankfully however none of them seemed the wiser as it was just a normal day out in the park for everyone and a day of wonder for the twins that the family would soon come to regret as the park basically became kid crack neck to candy which was basically kid meth.

But that's a time for literally tomorrow for now however Y/n is basically ready to pass out at any moment which is very weird since he didn't seem to be that out of shape or unused to shifting for it to happen.

But either way he was very thankful that today was Halloween since it meant that every kid was getting ready for trick or treating while the only ones left were to young to even know what candy truly was.

Once back inside Y/n put on  mask and went to bed right on the couch as he slept with Sibella who seemed to sense what her owner was doing and came in and slept on top of him seeming to be at peace for a good solid five minutes.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed, had a happy Halloween and if you can think of any names let me know but until then stay safe and peace!

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