The Purge

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Lets watch through the clouds as an old man awakens from his New Mexico retirement home and starts walking out and about the town as the local nurses wonder just what was going on with George their oldest resident for him to act this way.

The Old man walks miles upon miles without a care in the world for what may happen to him as he seemed to be on a mission of great importance as he walked through traffic nearly killing himself and everyone around him as all the cars swerve off the road crashing or nearly crashing their cars in the process.

His destination was the knights of the round table for the Forever Knights as each faction leader was present for the meeting as they all wondered who called them all there along with them all being mostly hostile to one another for various reasons.

When the man arrived every Knight Commander was of course hesitant when George wanted them all to declare him their leader once again? So of course they all tried to fight him as they didn't like the fact he was dissing them along with seeming to mock their order.

A couple of nearby loyal Forever Knight soldiers then attacked George at their masters command but were completely helpless when Georges bodyguards started wiping the floor with poor guardsmen who probably regretted coming to work that day.

Then Driscoll challenged the stranger in his eyes to a dual with George accepting with what appeared to be smile on his face before also wiping the floor with Driscoll with seeming easy as George managed to grab Driscoll's own sword and point it at his throat before giving it back to him as he had won the dual.

This of course however didn't seem to get the affect that George wanted so George leaned in and whispered something into Driscoll's ear which caused him to immediately bow down and kneel before George whilst proclaiming.

Sir Driscoll: "Founder of our order, the original Forever Knight!"

All the other Forever Knight leaders follow and begin bowing down and kneeling before their one true leader as the others knew Driscoll to be a man who acted only for his own benefit which most of the time lead to the benefit of the Forever Knights.

George stands tall and proud over his new commanders and as he stands before them he grabs a nearby sword and tells them all that they are going to war with all that is not human by purging the planet of all the filth that tries to call it home.

Cut back to Y/n as he kicking back and enjoying himself with Helen and Manny as he helps the two get used to their shared Condo apartment that they were going to live with Pierce as their third roommate but he had a date to get to so he promised to help them late whilst also agreeing to pick up different foods depending on how it went.

With Pierce's favorite food being a good sign while getting Chili fires and a Soda weren't so good of a sign as while those things are good they seem to destroy Pierces insides along with Manny's probably something to do with their alien parentage.

Eventually however Y/n had to leave as their was nothing else for him to help with and he also got the feeling that him being there any longer would have adverse affects with his blossoming friendship with Manny based on the eyes Helen was giving him the entire time.

While walking home however Y/n stumbled across Joshua along with Sam, Berry, and Patty as some fancy suited Forever Knights were chasing after them with the intent to kill them or at the very least capture them for whatever reason.

Y/n speed through them all as he knocked them all down like he was from a freaking Vampire movie or something as by the time anyone noticed what had happened it was all already said and done as Y/n took everything he could from the new Forever Knights.

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