CUBE [_]

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Y/n bangs on the walls of his cell and tries his best to get out! But no matter what form he takes nor combos he could think of their just didn't seem to be a way to get out! And from the looks of it he'd been there for a good long while... at least long enough for both his facial and regular hair to grow out enough to where he looked like adult Kevin from the future but with a beard.

Y/n: "(Pants and groans as he takes a shot of water before throwing his sports bottle to the side as it was now empty) What the heck is going on?"

Trying to think back to what he was doing before or how he got there in the first place just gives him a massive headache along with a nose bleed no matter how many times or when he tires to remember as the earliest he could think back was when the group had just gotten back from giving Tetron a new home world... or rather the same home world but reborn again!

But for some reason any time he tries to recall what happened the second after he walked through his front door just becomes static and get more painful as he tries to remember just what the heck happened after!

And to make matters even worse would be the fact that he had run out of food and water and had been trapped in their for honestly who knows how many days since no matter where he walked nor how many doors he passed through he'd always find the same thing which was a lot of water and a lot of canned food.

All of which seemed to be infinite so long as he left the room he was in but that also had its limits since for whatever reason he couldn't rest at all and not because their was something happening to stop him from doing so but like something inside of his was not letting him sleep for whatever the reason.

Every single time he tried to fall asleep for some reason he just couldn't and it didn't help that one room he went into seemed to be empty except for it having a few pink circles forming a pattern around something like they a trail being made by someone.

At least that's what Y/n hopped because something making pink circles on the floor in a trail like pattern weren't exactly something he would have been too thrilled to see or experience and for some reason it seemed that in certain rooms he could vaguely see and hear others.

???: ".......... Find the...... piece of...... map to stop......"

And a couple rooms down the line he sees a much bigger figure that looks like they want to be an elemental ranger by what he can make out their colors at least but otherwise he doesn't really have an idea about who they are or anything.

Eventually he manages to find his way towards a portal but before he can enter a hand appears and closes in on his throat and pushes him away as Professor Paradox steps right on through it holding a brief case and some jelly beans.

Professor Paradox: "Sorry if that hurt you old boy but I couldn't risk you messing with the time line more than you already have."

Y/n: "What (he yells out as the portal thing seemed to have turned into a vortex that was sucking up everything around including him a bit but was somehow being stopped by the Professor)!?"

Professor Paradox: "Well I don't know if you remember quite possibly not since it hasn't happened to you just yet but a you that was supposed to be at a certain point in time hasn't arrived there yet and from the looks of it probably never will because of this situation you found yourself in."

Y/n: "I don't even know what's going on!"

Professor Paradox: "Well that's probably for the best that you don't know because (pulls out pocket watch) if I'm reading this right then you my friend are very different than you're correct time period (closes watch)."

Y/n: "What the heck are you talking about?"

Professor Paradox: "Oh don't worry but just to let you know since you're most likely going to forget that this had ever happened that when you meet ■■■■■■■■■ that you should probably bob and weave along with never attack the man."

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