Last Laugh.5

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After getting permission from Max and the rest of the group to be able to leave for a little bit you have decided to go off and about and have a little adventure of your own after you make a quick stop to fulfill a promise that you have made.

So, after doing a bit of training to see if you were rusty or not with your parkour while also getting over to where they kept the freak tween trio you made a little stop at a convivence store and got a few gifts for the pretty little convict that you know.

And when you got to the juvie hall that she was being kept you asked to see her but were not allowed given the fact that you have no connection to her and that you are a small child but they did allow you to give her your gifts to which you did after making and giving her a little card and after you left you wondered weather or not she was going to get it or were the guards going to keep the gifts.

After having your dilemma with your gifts and the prison you then have nothing better to do but leave because that's all you can do and after leaving the premises you felt a little bit of what you know to be frightwig's hair and after being in contact with each other you then gave her another card you had made with what you still had on you as a gift for her.

And as you both finally left each other for now you then went off and learned more about the town and wherever you may be going next with your group and as you were wandering around you then met a group or rather a group had met you and you knew they were not looking for anything good.

But to your surprise they were up to good as that's just how they liked to dress and all they wanted to know is if you wanted to compete in their dance and arcade battles with them to which you said.

Y/n: "Sure why not seems like it could be fun."

And after going to where they had decided to meet up with their rival "gang" one big guy appeared and all he did was be the DJ and play the music with the boombox that he carried around so that they could "have some beats to battle to" as they called it.

And after you all had done your dances everyone then just shook on it as the big guy then decide who was the winner and after it was your side who won you found out what you all were "battling" for.

It had turned out to be nothing more than the losing side had to buy the first two games at the arcade for their next battle and the winner of this was going to get the real prize and you were really curious as to what this "real prize" was.

And after you all entered the arcade you were then told to find a game that you were good at and then get ready to play it against the other team and try to win more then them and it that it would mean a lot more if you had gotten first on the leaderboard of the game.

So after you went and looked around for a game to play that you were good at you then found one that you were competent with and you were sure that no one could beat you in when playing no matter who they were.

After getting back to the gang you were with you all then wrote down what games you were all to play and that it would be a mix up between your gangs games and the other gangs game and that you had to do all that you could not to get a game you were bad at or get picked by a challenger from the rival to get beaten in the games.

And after a few moments the big guy who you were guessing was the judge for this whole thing told everyone what games where to be played and that since you guys won the dance battle you had two extra games where you could get more points to win the battle with.

And after a bit of discussion from the rival gang you were then called out to play a shooter game that you have never played nor touched ever so you had no idea what to do or even how to play it which is what you were guessing what they wanted an easy win.

So, after you and the rival guy for the game locked in with the charge being placed you then both got started playing and immediately you were surprised at how easy it was to play the game because all you were doing was shooting anything that was bad with the gun and that you had to help anyone that was needing it.

And after a long time of you just destroying both the game and the rival gang member you finally got to the last stage of the game to everyone's surprise and after you destroyed the final boss you were then told to put in your name and after doing so you were then given a badge of honor from the arcades management and you were also allowed to pick whatever you wanted from the display case.

After telling them what you wanted you then held onto it as the rest of the battle commenced and you gang was winning a lot more than losing because of what you did and when it was finally time for you to play and commence the challenge it was like hitting the nail in the coffin for them as you were then beating them all the game you were the best at.

And after you just destroyed them, you finally found out what the prize was and that was tool belt that could hold a lot of things and was from a really popular series in the past but was just now something cool to look at and after getting it you were told to have it and also to have a sash that was the gangs color.

And that you were a sworn brother and friend for life from what you just did and that they hoped to see each other again and after leaving you went back to the rustbucket with three prizes a cat mask for Gwen, a sumo slammers rare crossover card for Ben and a back massager for Max while you kept the tool belt for your self and the sash.

And as you put your stuff away you just smiled at how fun your day has been and the looks on everyone's faces as you gave them their gifts.

And that is all for now my friends and I hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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