Camp Fear

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Ben: "Change it."

Gwen: "No you change yours."

Ben: "It's your turn."

Gwen: "Sorry, but I already picked the cake color coordinated the balloons and sent the invitations."

She then gave both you and Ben an invitation as Ben threw it away you then thanked her while stoking her hand annoying Ben greatly while making sure to keep the invite safe until the time you needed to use it for Gwen's party.

You then hear both Gwen and Ben arguing about who Max should go with for their birthday party as he was more than a little annoyed before tossing some container to help Ben to stop starching their foot.

As Ben and Gwen were fighting Man then looked in front of him to see that a kid had appeared in front of him on the road and Max then hit the brakes hard so not to hurt the random child that appeared in front of them.

After dodging each other the kid then rolled off the nearby cliff as Ben then went hero and mistakenly turns into Cannonbolt instead of Stinkfly which he still uses to save the kid from falling down as you used the power of Heatblast to destroy the rainwater from hitting you as you tried to find and help them back up.

After getting both Ben and the new kid up Ben turned back to normal as Max preformed a checkup to see what was wrong with him before letting you all know that he was mostly fine with the one acceptation being he was still out cold.

You all then look and see that his name is Gilbert and after noticing a purple rash across his arm Ben then starts poking it with his finger.

Gwen: "It's obviously some kind of fungus."

Max: "I saw the sign of the camp other ways back they must have a nurse."

As Max then drives you all towards the camp and then parks in front of one of the camp buildings as you all then run in to both get out of the rain while also seeing if there was anyone there that could help them with Gilbert.

Y/n: "This place looks abandoned."

Gwen: "Yep definitely abandoned."

Max then goes over to where there was still a hot meal before the lights then went out and Max pulled out two flashlight one for him and the other for all of you, but you use your own light to see as you fused the heat with Diamnondheads crystal to make a light rock to see with.

You all then hear a noise and when you look you all see that Ben had started to eat the spaghetti before you all then hear a different noise in the kitchen as you all then go inside to see what it might have been and after looking for a bit you all then see a couple of kids hiding.

You all then hear a noise and when you look you all see that Ben had started to eat the spaghetti before you all then hear a different noise in the kitchen as you all then go inside to see what it might have been and after looking for a bit you al...

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They both then creepily finish each other's sentences as both you and Max then ask them if they were okay, and they still creepily responded after each other "for now" as Max then asked them what had happened here and were everyone else had gone.

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