A Knight to Remember

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When it comes to cults especially those that seem to have mystic powers or tech beyond the stars Y/n isn't really that big a fan of any of them especially, especially those that would do harm upon any and everyone who is either different or goes against their personal bias.

He hates them even more than any other group if they were people he's meet in the past that have a habit of either betraying him or those that he cares about even more so when one of them is a woman he loves and their pet dog thing.

So when Y/n sees a group of forever nights fighting some eternal fire looking people he was more than ready to turn the other cheek as they say and let them fight this one out and take on whoever won in the end like a true courageous coward warrior.

But Ben and the rest didn't seem to agree to his plane no matter how many times he tried to tell them that none of them really owed those people anything heck Kevin was still probably owed some form of compensation so let them get knocked around a bit as collateral.

Instead of an argument or anything Y/n was thinking he would normally get he was instead welcomed with not one but two slaps across the face by both Gwen and Ben as they looked at him with pure disgust as Kevin being the only sensible one helped the guy up and pretended to also hit him so as to not get on the girls bad side again.

Y/n could honestly not fathom why on earth either of them wanted to help the Forever Knights with beating up the eternal fire guys as when they all get tired from fighting that would be the best time to step in... or if one was trying to kill the other and about to finish them off.

So Y/n was basically benched on the side lines and was forced to watch as the trio went to work on these fools while he himself soon had to find Sir George of the forever knights with a basic metal sword that anyone could have made.

Sir George: "I see that you are a man who is not with the others."

Y/n: "(Turns around and cracks his neck) Well I guess they just don't really see the value in letting your enemies weaken each other out first."

Sir George just smiles as he then rushes towards Y/n who tries his best to block with all he's got but somehow that wasn't even close to being enough to push this old geezer back let alone stop him from pushing Y/n towards the cliff.

Y/n: "(Snorts) Well it seems like you aren't just all hype after all."

Sir George: "And you seem to be nothing like I was told I'm afraid."

Sir George strikes at Y/n with his sword like an old man would with his cane towards a kid that was pissing them off for just a bit too long who was also still a beast of a man even after he's already reached his prime and then some.

Of course Y/n tried his best to fight back but he didn't really want to change in case this set off the old man even more than he already seemed to be, and also because he didn't want to show his enemy his greatest strength just yet when this was basically round 1 of their fight.

Inside Y/n's head he imagined a bell ringing signaling that it was now time for round two which meant that Y/n's kids gloves were off and from the disappointed face on Sir Georges face he either had no idea what was about to come or was annoyed that it took him this long to get serious.

Y/n took the speed of XLR8, the strength of Humungousaur, and the tough body of Four Arms as he got ready to fight this man with half his total strength which both of them seemed to be quite pleased about as they both rushed towards each other with Y/n managing to grab and break Sir Gorge's metal sword.

Sir George: "Well (throws whatever remained of his broken blade to the ground) while that blade might not be my sword it was still a good piece that one of my knights worked long and hard to make... I know as a gift I'll let him make a new one out of your bones."

Sir George then rushes towards Y/n and does some weirdo kung fu move or  whatever where he seemed to be hitting the right spots even for HIM of all people that made it to where he was basically stun locked as Y/n couldn't even attempt to move and was just forced to take the beating.

Even worse was how Sir George didn't even seem to have broken a sweat by all this along with him effortlessly managing to somehow get one of Y/n's bones without his or even his body knowing it before finally finishing his hour long combo attack and pushed Y/n off the cliff with his breath.

Before Y/n could fall however he turned into good and basically shrink and grew attacked Sir George with a leg lock that did in fact seem hard for him to break out of for a bit before he grabbed his extendable walking can and poked Y/n in certain areas that caused him to let go and fall on the ground.

It was the first time that the old man seemed to have any expression of annoyance as he kicked Y/n in the guy and started waking him with his stick for a bit as he started lecturing Y/n on how no matter how powerful someone may be they will never stand on similar grounds to a man who's had vast experience in doing one thing.

Y/n falls for real this time down the cliffside and manages to hit Kevin's car that was for some reason speeding past the area to go somewhere else with Y/n honestly not even caring anymore and tried his best to be quite as his body popped and morphed back into one solid piece.

And all along the drive everyone could hear the muffled screams of Y/n along with the sounds of his bones, and body starting to reconnect as they speed across the highways to get wherever they were going and while Y/n was stuck on the hood that only seemed to count while Kevin was driving.

As the second he parked that bad boy was the second he started flying off the car and into the inner chamber of wherever the heck they went with a giant ugly squid creature and the eternal fire freaks seeming to try and stop him for "breaking" into their private ritual.

Not really having much strength to battle after his little run in with Sir George who was probably hot on their trail Y/n got up and just didn't really care anymore as he turned into a blue crystalline form with four arms as he started punching any eternal fire member he came across.

As the eternal fire members started punching Y/n he honestly felt nothing as he backhanded them away with even the ones hiding somewhere? As they all just managed to hurt themselves while Y/n made his way towards the sword with the organ thing stuck in-between it like a kabab.

The second the squid creature picked up the blade however was when things went very bright and then very dark as that's the last thing Y/n knew before he woke up inside Kevin's car as they were all speeding down the highway once again to go ack to the seal and stop Vilgax from freeing whatever was inside.

But they were all too late as they just managed to reach Vilgax as he smiled whilst a bright light seemed to drag him across the time and space to wherever that place lead to as Sir George picked up his sword once more and became a young man once again.

Sir George: "I trust that you all now know a fraction of the cost that we the forever knights must face or the entire world is finished."

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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