Vengeance of Vilgax

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Waking up in a panic Y/n looks around and starts rummaging through all his things looking for something scaring and waking up Sibella in the process who doesn't know what's going on but isn't happy on how Y/n looks or how he's acting at all.

Sibella: "What's wrong?"

Y/n: "Oh sorry nothing (sweats like the Niagara falls) don't worry about it and just go back to bed (looks back into his drawer) aha found it (grabs a syringe thing and uses on himself looking as pleased as a dog who just got told how good of a boy they were) now everything's all better."

Sibella: "What was that?"

Y/n: "Don't worry it's just something that makes me feel a lot better."

And while Sibella would love to ask more she knows that Y/n's probably not going to give her a straight answer so she just gives up as the two begin their day with Y/n making some modifications to the suit whilst Sibella goes out and exercises both her body and her will to not kill others for how they look at her.

Whilst out and about Sibella notices Ben, Kevin, and Gwen all fighting some snake aliens with Ben's ego being very big compared to how she was a couple of weeks ago and it wasn't that hard to see why but she wasn't the only one who fought in the battle yet she got praised like there was no tomorrow for it as if she did everything on her own.

As Sibella takes a little breather one of the snake creatures makes the mistake of being a male and touching her without her permission or Y/ns which means that the second the thing grabs onto her she starts spreading fire all across the poor creature turning them into jerky and with a twirl and flip of her hair Sibella takes a large sip from her water and heads off to continue her run like nothing happened.

Kevin: "(Throws snake alien in the trash) I thought there were more of them."

Gwen: "(Holds one of the snake aliens with her mana) How do you know there's too many to count with all of them looking the same."

Ben: "(Charges through the rest as Humungousaur knocking the rest out) Well whatever it doesn't matter so long as we knocked all of them out with me the hero of the universe doing the most and best work of course."

Meanwhile back inside the apartment Y/n was fighting his own arm as it had turned massive whilst oozing everywhere like it was made of goo making it almost impossible for him to do anything and as Y/n grunts in pain and frustration he forcibly wills his arm to go back to normal which it does but looking like a smaller form of Humungousaurs arm which he just accepts as that was the best he could do at the moment.

Covering his mutated arm by shoving it into a hand cannon device that in theory should take the powers of heat that any creature that produces flames and make them much easier to control as if they were water instead of fire but since he didn't really want to destroy anything in fear of having to pay for it and of what it might do to the room Y/n turns it off and places into his bag as he heads out.

After stepping outside he grows out Big Chill wings since they can cover him once their folded like a robe and flies off to the middle of nowhere that became somewhere as it's were he almost always goes when he wants to test something which resulted in the place looking worse than literal fallout testing sites.

Anyway once Y/n lands there he pulls the device he made out of his backpack and attaches it onto his mutated hand that was now on fire since he needed the power of flames to even see if it worked or not which caused his other arm to turn into a Dino arm but at this point he just didn't care so long as it meant testing the device since it almost always happens.

Y/n: "(Puts device on his wrist) Okay so if I made this correctly I should be able (aims it at giant rock and does something that makes a loud click with a giant blade of fire comes out like a raging dragon) whoa okay might have to do some adjustments since (looks at completely black rock) I think I just made coal."

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