Pet Project

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Working late through out the night has probably become something that almost everyone has gotten used to by now as Y/n couldn't even remember the last time he had an actual decent nights sleep that didn't involve him taking naps throughout the day or having duplicates cover for him while he slept.

But everything will be worth it once the DNA aliens are taken care of which should hopefully be soon otherwise (hand moves to rib) there's no way of knowing how long Y/n would last in his current state but thankfully it hasn't seemed to spread any farther than his leg and a bit of his upper body.

Suddenly Sibella comes crashing through the door jumping onto him which wasn't weird in the slights but what did make it weird was how scared she seemed to be since he was there and as long as he was safe then no matter what happened to anyone else then she really didn't care.

Y/n: "What's wrong?"

Sibella: "(Tears) Something bad is happening!"

Y/n: "What's happening!?"

But she can no longer say anything and instead turns back into a bat and goes inside his shirt like she used to when they were both younger which she had stopped once he should turn human since what would be the point in doing it when she can surround him with her entire body her words.

Not really knowing what to do Y/n grabbed his bag, phone, and ear piece as he started going around the area trying to look for whatever might be upsetting Sibella while talking to Ben and the others for help but before he could do any of that Julie starts calling him about how Ship was then taken.

Julie: "(Over phone) I just don't know why anyone would do such a thing. (cries) he's such a good boy who couldn't hurt a fly (sniffs) and if you do find out who did it and don't tell me then (gets cold and serious) were going to have some problems."

So now Y/n has to look for whatever was frighting the usually uncaring about anything but him type of bat girl along side Julies pet Ship but neither of them seemed to be willing to talk at the moment and even if they were they probably weren't going to have anything useful to say about what happened and what they would like him to do.

Having no real leads Y/n pulls out his phone and looks through the data about all the different people and aliens he and Ben's group have fought since Ben started wearing the Omnitrix again and from what he could figure out the most likely suspects for everything were the Forever Knights.

Since they were the only ones that could be after Ship as the DNA aliens wanted to destroy everything and conquer  whatever was left after their invasions and making a quick map program that should tell him where the most recent castle purchases were from and if they were still standing or not.

With that information in hand Y/n asks Julie were she had last seen Ship or were they might have been since he would have felt bad taking down some ones house or just a random group of people even if they were Forever Knights.

Thanks to Julie Y/n didn't feel bad at all about  what he was about to do towards the Forever Knights responsible for taking ship and possibly scaring Sibella as hard as they have but now came the most difficult thing Y/n could imagine.

-At Julies house-

Y/n: "How exactly are you going to be able to go up against the Forever Knights without any sort of protection."

Julie: "I have you and the others right? (tires to act cute and snuggles up into Y/n which succeeds as Sibella allows as she's pretty much a shivering reck right now that doesn't know anything other the comfort of her owner.)"

Y/n: "Sometimes I hate that I love you."

Julie: "(Punches arm) Same here now lets go (punches her own hand) bust the heads of whoever took Ship!"

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