From DownUnder

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Getting a phone call from the Plumbers about their being a problem that only Y/n could solve especially when it had only been a few weeks since the time he had caused a massive brawl to happen all across the place that resulted almost everything getting destroyed...

Y/n: "All that for some freaking soft serve (he says as he huffs and puffs at just the remembrance of all that stupidity)."

Looking around as Y/n patrols the area looking for what the heck was causing all the problems according to the report that he had gotten from the Plumbers... well more accurately he got the report from Kevin who got it from Ben who got it first from a Plumber agent.

So at the point that Y/n heard about it who the heck truly knows anymore about what he's supposed to be looking for since all he knew was the fact it was something that had to do with things suddenly going missing.

Y/n: "(Looks around) Now how the heck am I supposed to find a vanishing act along with the main attraction or would be attraction (looks at photo) being something that can only show up on camera as an after image or blue of something."

[Looking down at the photo anyone could see that among the many alien refuges that called Earth their home or were hoping to do so at least were all minding their own business as a blue zig-zag appears through all of them in the form of a giant Z quite possibly being the vanishing magician they were looking for.]

As Y/n looks around he tries to see something that looks familiar in the photo to where he was looking but... the entire thing is like a freaking shanty town in Undertown with every type of Alien race all doing their own thing and managing it for certain people whilst also trying to get others to try it out leads to pretty much everything looking the same.

And its this bad for a man that's been here enough to at least know the lay of the land imagine just how impossible it would be for someone who isn't there all the time and doesn't know any of the places many different shortcuts.

Y/n: "(Moving a piece of a wall out of the way as he gets to the place in the photo) I always wonder why the place needs this many shortcuts. Like are the founders of this place part of crime organization or were they on the run from one?"

But that doesn't really matter because luckily Y/n had finally found the place after stating that he had before about fifty freaking times before it truly was the area because of the fact on where the angle of the picture could have been along with all the stalls and the amount of people made it right enough to where even Lucy would apricate it.

Thankfully the area that he had left was still pretty much alley way territory to the point that almost no one was looking over and those that were looking did so with a side glance like they were just checking their options just in case.

Y/n then fuses together to make a fusion of Ultimate Echo Echo and upgrade together along with some pits and pieces of Heatblast added into the mix just in case he ever needed any fire power... well theirs that and it didn't help in any case where Undertown felt like one giant melting pot for most days in a singular human year.

Tech-a-bite: "(Looking at himself in a mirror?) Geeze-I-look-like-an-even-uglier-than-Vilgax-on-a good-day... heck-I-look-like-mutated-Kevin's-even-uglier-brother."

[Like the guy had had two shoulder blades that were extended with circles at the base of them quite possibly to drop the base when need be and add that to the fact that his hands and feet were bigger and seemed to glow faintly along with glowing cracks all around and a fire skull face that seemed to also had robotic parts that made him look more cyborg.]

Tech-a-bite: "Whatever-(turns and starts to walk outside the alley)-not-like-I-need-to-look-pretty-to-find-out-what-happened-around-here."

Walking out of the alleyway Y/n on now Tech-a-bite is walking around the place trying to come off as easy pickings as one could be when their a mix of tech, goo, and fire but for the most part it seemed to be good enough as everyone just thought that he needed his suit repaired to which Y/n was more than happy to play along with.

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