Peaceful days

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Today is one of the rarest things in the world that could happen for Y/n... which was a day where no one would be in need of his help as it was testing day and everyone was working their hardest to get their A's including Kevin for whatever class he was taking and hopefully not in the literal since.

But either way good for so long as he doesn't get caught... again, anyway since todays one of the few times Y/n could relax with the most peace of mind he can have he decides to go on a date with Julie as they haven't seen each other in a long while what with them not being in the same school and all.

It would be the best if he could hang out with everyone but sadly since until he can fix his little problem the odds of him being able to do just that are about the same odds of Ben being able to win against him in a match of Sumo Slammers without using any cheat codes like the sore looser she is.

But anyway on this wonderous morning Y/n woke up to the sounds of nothing which was a bit odd as Sibella would be screeching and hollering long before any alarm would go off as to protest it waking the sleeping Y/n up, causing an end to her most enjoyed past time of watching Y/n at any hour of the day.

Waking up he sees that on this particular day Sibella was nowhere to be seen leaving only a note behind like she had done so in the past when she wanted to leave for a bit without hopefully worrying Y/n with wherever and whatever she was doing.

Sibella: "Dear Y/n, I will be back shortly don't worry... when I get back I want lots and lots of affection and DON'T you dare go messing around with other women cause I will know!"

Y/n: "So nothing really out of the ordinary with you leaving huh."

Looking at the back of the note just in case their was something there as sometimes she would leave a little something for him to remember her by and this was one of those times with a very crude drawing of both of them and a few other people? Its really hard to tell since Sibella would rarely doing anything unless asked by Y/n that didn't involve being physical in someway or another with Y/n guessing it had to do with her bat life and maybe personality as well.

Y/n: "Into the box you go."

Listing to some good music Y/n takes his sweet time making his breakfast and getting ready for the day since having no real plans and with it being on a Saturday there's really not much for him to do besides enjoy it.

Hitting Julia up the two then agree to go on a date without anyone else really being in it as their last date got ruined somewhat by a jealous and most likely bored Ben who couldn't wait a single day which resulted in Julie doing the same thing with Ben and Y/n's date.

"Ben: "What are you doing here?"

Julie: "(Moves her hoodie down) I was just in the neighborhood and saw you two here and figured why not I mean you were just passing by yesterday as well right."

Ben: "(Grips her hand) Yea... just like yesterday."

And Y/n swears to this day that there were literal sparks flying between these two but it could also be from the games that were behind the two as Ben wanted to go to an arcade instead of the movies like Julie wanted."

Y/n shivers a little just remembering everything else that happened that day while also having a giant smile on his face since it was also a great day since it was one of the must interesting and fun days he had in quite awhile at that point.

With everything he needed to get ready for the day being done Y/n heads out and about and to take a little walk since his bike is an upgrade/ditto mesh and since he's trying to limit his power usage he's not really wanting to ride it since the bike doesn't use any gas or anything and honestly Y/n has no idea what it runs on but after riding it for a few hours he usually ends up hungrier than normal.

But that was just a guess and it could entirely be because of him not realizing how long he's been riding or other things like his alien DNA messing with his metabolism since he's almost always eating because of upchuck who has more than one stomach.

Eventually Y/n makes his way to Julie in her bright pink t-shirt wearing some white skinny jeans that he was forced to listen to her explaining how they were the latest fashion thing that was in or whatever since they looked like just a normal pair of skinny blue jeans but white.

The two not really knowing or having anything planned for the day just start going around the city and looking at what's new, old, and cheap cause who wants to spend more money than they make in a single outing of a day instead of being cheap and getting a lot more things for way less that they would normally go for.

They first went through the local mall with Y/n having to drag Julie away from a few shops with Julie having to do the same with Y/n a lot more times since there were a lot more things that he liked in the mall possibly because of Ben's influence.

Their next stop would be an appliance store as they think of what Ship would do if he were to copy?, infuse?, eat?, whatever he does to the tech he comes across with Julie wanting both Ship and him to match annoying Y/n greatly cause who wants to match with their girlfriends dog rather than the girlfriend.

With their final stop for the night being of course a pawnshop the best place to go when you want to sell worthless things or buy amazing items cause that's the roll of the dice when you go to these places since most of the time they probably don't care to ask questions so long as they got it legally.

Thanks to that shop however Y/n found some cool looking magic story books, limited Sumo Slammer cards, a toy car that looked like Kevin's car but blue, a hidden squirt gun, a retractable staff that looked like it should belong to a master of the dark arts, a hair beauty kit, somewhat fashionable clothes, and a photo frame that can somehow stick to any surface.

Once the two reached Julies house she started to go in for a kiss only to then be greeted with a headbutt and Y/n setting fire to the girls house and everything else near them as the girl started crying for obvious reasons.

Julie: "(Crying) Why!? Why would you do this!?"

Y/n: "Because I know all of this is fake."

Julie: "Wha-What?"

Y/n: "(Reveals stack of cards) I've had problems with my head for many years and while I don't know if you are the one causing it or are something else entirely I've learned to give myself a little cheat sheet with all the Sumo Slammer cards having the letters that make out fake on the bottom."

Julie: "What? You're doing all of this because of that! You know I thought you were a good guy but now I can see your nothing more than-"

Having enough of Julie's acting and talking he shoots her with an energy beam straight through the head and while it did make him sick to his stomach and make him second guess himself a little, for the most part he knew he was right since looking at the cards again they had the words that made up fake on the bottom of said cards.

The reason it proved everything was fake was because the real trigger was the note since while Sibella does worry she's still an animal at hart and would never leave him any notes unless it was all a dream... which really made him wish he had another tell cause that does hurt him a little when she just vanishes with no warning.

Eventually the word starts to shift again with some dream demon looking creature showing up wanting to turn Y/n into his personal piggy bank of energy but before the guy could even do anything Y/n does an uno reverse on the guy.

And locks the guy up inside his mind inside his new power tower just long enough for him to switch bodies with the guy enough to know where he was and his plans so that the Plumbers can get to him while he just messes with the dream world to have a little R&R before he has to move his body in the real world once again.

Y/n: "(Slurps his juice) Ahh this is the life I wish I had but knowing my future from what I can remember (sarcastic laugh) I'll never be able to experience any of this again unless special conditions are met."

Dream Demon: "(Shakes around Rubix cube box)"

Y/n: "Yea, yea were both getting out once they finally wake one of us up so just relax and be my coaster until then."

And that is all for now and hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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