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???: "Out there in the void is someone who's willing to accept everyone for who they are... but that person is not me!"

With a great big flash a portal opens right in front of a water world as a giant green rocket ship just so happens to arrive at the same time but before anyone could see or even respond everything seems to go dark as a pair jettison out their giant gun looking spaceship down to the water planet below.

Minion 100010: "(Breathing through a mask) Why do we always have to deal with with either the clean up missions or the delivery missions? I mean know were not exactly the brightest like the others and how were the lowest of the numbers but can't we just do something else for once?"

Minion 100009: "(Breathing through a mask) Don't you remember how last time we were allowed to go on a recon mission we got spotted. Or what about the time when we were allowed to go down and take a breather like everyone else we accidently lost the package not once but freaking twice! Both times almost resulting in complete destruction of a planet or the universe with the only saving grace being young Ben and friends to save the day."

Minion 100010: "I thought we agreed to never bring that up again what with the killer headache and super nagging the boss gave us over getting to happy at happy hour when we were supposed to acquire the items and bring them to this Y/n guy after the mothership R&D lug nuts had their way with them first."

Minion 100009 just rolls whatever eyes they may have behind their mask as the two land on the water floor that had turned solid what with time being standalone and all with Minion 100010 fumbling to take out the nuron cutter as they start making a hole in the water to get in before they start having to use their phasor belts.

The two talk for the most part about the most trivial concepts like how the next time they arrive on earth how they should use their tech and place some bets along with doing some lotto's to see if they could make enough money to help make sure they can rest easy once they get back home and truly relax.

But that day would probably never come what with almost all of them being wanted criminals and everything even if quite a few of them are just taking this as a summer job or because being grunts/minions is somehow better pay than the part time jobs they would otherwise be forced to work at otherwise.

Minion 100009: "What I find the funniest thing about our jobs is that so long as the boss doesn't wage war against the "Protectors" or the "Galactic Enforcers" then we basically get paid the big bucks to be janitors, delivery man, and butlers to the higher ups with a greater 401k And medicare than my brother-in-law who works as a Galactic lawyer."

Minion 100010: "(Grunts as he pops the water out like a cork) Well it can always be worse I mean my actual brother and his wife both live in my house living off my money doing as they please all while they have jobs that are more illegal than what we do but someone they get away with everything along with making more money than we do! What kind of unfair life is mine if I'm forced to live with a family I hate that does worse things than me and yet is somehow better off for it and makes more money!"

Minion 100009: "(Places the water cork above the hole so it falls in nice and tight once they leave and everything goes back to normal) How about you kill the guy or I kill him for you? I mean its not like were going to get a lighter punishment because of our jobs and everything so why not take advantage of that fact and make your life better in the process."

Minion 100010: "Oh I am, believe me I am. I got this whole thing worked out (both minions but on their phasor belts ) I may have left open a tiny container over my AC unit that may have some quantum dust from the Elcipse engine inside it."

Minion 100009: "I heard from one of the guys down below that work on it that before a guy died he said it was the best high he's ever had in his entire life and because of him everyone that works anywhere near the engine or those that do have to wear these stupid suits."

The two minions continue talking about random things with some of them even being about Ben and the likes as they watch them  move around and everything they'll do once the field is shut down along with the Aggragor man who is someone they all view with pity and annoyance.

Minion 100010: "I can't believe someone like this is related to my ancestor or was the cause of them going through pain once again."

Minion 100009: "Hey at least its better than my ancestors I mean I'm related to freaking bats for crying out loud! Do you have any idea how weird my internet search is! Or how weird it is to visit the jungle or zoos when I can understand what the bats are saying and what they mean! I mean don't get me wrong I wouldn't change a thing if I could since being able to fly is cool and everything and when you add that with the fact if their willing to work together I can basically hear everything that happens in a forest."

Minion 100010: "Dude your so lucky (steps over some ruble that was the door to the infinity key) the most I can do is make different matter beams and before you ask no! Just no and its not really that helpful either since I have to touch the materials and compress them into balls that hopefully work or I have to start messing around like I'm trying to paint the world."

The two minions go up to the infinity key and start scanning it as they take everything that it is, was, and will be along with its energy readings before they place something on both corners of the piece before they start making their way back to their battle ship.

Minion 100009: "You ever find it weird that we get paid to mess up or even try to kill our ancestors?"

Minion 100010: "I mean not really since who knows what'll happen and I don't really think our boss is someone dumb enough to try and mess with the time line that much as I've only seen him take his anger and frustration out on Y/n for what his legacy does to him."

Minion 100009: "Is this the break up legacy or the pain in his behind for his evil ambitions legacy?"

Minion 100010: "I honestly don't think theirs a difference for him either way"

The two just barley manage to get out of the water before their phasor belts turn red meaning they need to recharge and if used will either cause someone to pretty much noclip into the after life or inverse them black hole style to the point the turn into a marble made of flesh.

Thankfully they know what their doing as they get in their ship and fly back and dock their pod as they pass on their information to the higher ups before they go back to their rooms and take of their helmets with 100009 looking like Kevin but with white hair whilst 100010 looks like a young male ben but with red hair.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoy and until next time stay safe and peace!

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