Merry Christmas

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Gwen: "We are in the middle, of the middle of nowhere..."

Y/n: "Grandpa can you crank up the AC?"

Max: " I'm afraid it's at maximum right now. We'll stop at the next gas station."

You all then moan about the heat as Sibella finally works her way out of a mini cocoon, she had made for herself since getting her from Animo, Sibella then moves over towards you as she begins to nuzzle you probably more than a little happy about the heat.

Ben in a desperate turn of events turns into Grey Matter so she could try and fix whatever was wrong with the AC in the Rust Bucket as well as improve it so they would never have to worry about Heatstroke again.

You all watch pleadingly for her to fix it but as if the fates were against all of you the Rust Bucket breaks down instead making the situation worse than how it was earlier.

As you all exit the Rust Bucket Sibella rest inside the top portion of your shirt enjoying the warmth of your skin and the hot dessert climate before Gwen then points towards a weird doorway like structure that has two nut crackers hanging out in front of it like gate keepers.

Charmcaster: "Grandpa! Can we check it out? Please!"

Max: "Sure. Don't sweat it! (Max chuckles away to himself to an unimpressed crowd of children.) Ah, sorry, just couldn't help myself."

Max: "[Rubs his chin in thought] Hmm, there must have been one of those holiday theme parks here. They probably packed up and left and forgot this thing."

You all then open the doorway up a bit a gust of cold air hit all of you much to everyone but Sibella's delight you all then rush in with Sibella making sure she stays put inside your shirt as you all fully enter the weird snowy biome as the door shuts quietly.

Gwen: "[Reaches towards a snowflake] Snow?"

You then see Gwen get hit by a snowball as Ben and Charmcaster laugh hysterically before then getting pummeled in snowballs by you as a way of "honoring Gwen's memory" before a giant snowball fight starts between all of you.

After you all finish the snowball competition with Charmcaster winning as she had used some of her magic to make giant snowballs to pelt at all of you while also making sure to have a magical barrier so as to not get hit by any snowballs herself.

Gwen: "Gotta admit, they're using some fancy special effects to keep us from seeing the village from outside."

Charmcaster: "The whole town must be air conditioned."

As you all explore the place small people in festive clothes come running out as they see a giant sleigh with lots and lots of Christmas presents inside as they all then get to work apparently getting ready for Christmas.

Y/n: "Are those?"

Ben: "...Elves? Yeah, I think so."

Max: "Y'know, being here makes me realize, that none of us have ever spent a Christmas, all together. (Max rubs all your heads.)"

Ben: "Huh, you're right!"

Gwen: "Our families do get pretty busy that time of year. I mean, with all the holiday parties, having to shop 'til you drop. Vacations, you know?"

Y/n: "That and Charmcaster and me having completely different families and out own way of doing things before going on this road trip."

Ben: "Uh, yeah. Well, I'm gonna hit the bobsled run."

Gwen: "Ice skating for me!"

Charmcaster then runs off towards wherever Ben was going as you stood there with Max wanting to spend some time with the man if the future hadn't changed that much would one day become your own grandfather more than he was right now.

You then walk with Max and take in the sights as you both talk about the random and ridicules things that had happened so far while you both try and get to know each other better while also what you feel like at least is Grandpa Max's way of testing you to see if you were good enough for any of his grandkids.

As you and Max look around the different shops and see what they have to offer a gang of elves then show up in front of both of you saying the exact same thing no matter what either of you have to say.

Elve: "(Simultaneously.) You must come with us!"

Y/n: "What the heck is going on?"

They take both of you before getting split up as the elves take Max one way while they take you another as they then through you into the workshop chained to a table as you are then forced to make presents for "All the good little boy and girls in the world" along with the other elves.

As you work on the toys Sibella wakes up for a bit as she takes a look around and rolls inside of your shirt before snuggling even deeper inside of it as you fight back the urge to pet and mess with her a bit because of how cute she looked doing so.

And after working for a bit, you looked around and realized that no one was watching any of you or there being any real form of security in the area, so you got a hammer and a chisel as you then bashed your way towards freedom.

Once you did you kinda regrated it for a bit because the second you got free all the elves around you started making loud noises which you could only guess was to alert anyone nearby that you had broken free while they continued working.

As soon as you exited the workshop you saw what was maybe two dozen nutcracker guards all charging at you as you just ducked behind a nearby cover before climbing atop of it as you then swung your way past all of them before then falling into a giant hole in the floor.

When you had woken up you found yourself to be wrapped up like a giant Christmas present with Sibella trying to squirm her way out of your shirt to try and be able to breath or she could have been trying to do something else entirely.

Then the only from what you had seen so far adult elf came walking towards you all strung up ready for delivery before Ben, Gwen, and Charmcaster then broke in ready to try and break free all of you.

And with the help of Charmcaster you break free from your bonds as you then attack the creepy old man while Sibella flew far away from the combat only to return when you had all finished fighting.

Grey Matter/ Ben had destroyed old man Jingles Jingle-ator that had forced everyone inside of it to be part of his creepy Christmas wonderland you all saw him look a bit down as Grandpa Max told him some true words of happiness.

Max: "Christmas isn't about giving the perfect toy, it's about the spirit in which we give. Isn't that right kids?"

Ben: "Yeah... but I bet giving me and Y/n a 'Sumo Slammer Extreme Slam-down' would make you feel real good, huh Santa?"

Gwen & Charmcaster: "[Pushing him to the side.] What my dorky cousin means is being together is what Christmas is all about. Mr. Jingles, look at the kids that you've kept away from their families all these Christmas-es. They need to go home."

Mr. Jingles then told you all about how he would have loved to do so and help all the other kids around the world but since Ben had destroyed his device everything went back to normal which meant that none of the reindeer could fly any more.

Ben: "Who needs 'Rudolph the Red Nose reindeer', when you've got 'Stink the Gassey Alien'?"

You and everyone else then help Ben load up the presents onto the sleigh as Mr. Jingles tells you all how to operate the sleigh as you all begin to deliver presents to everyone around the world with a few small breaks here and there for when Ben had to turn back to normal.

Once everything was said and done you all head back towards Holiday Village as you all check and see that everyone, but you had returned back to normal from the Jingle-ator's cursed holiday magic.

You all then see how the Holiday village looked more normal and how everything looked without any of that mumbo jumbo making it go crazy, you all meet a man who Ben and Gwen find familiar before you all then get some help fixing the Rust Bucket as you all then ride off to the next destination with everyone singing their own version of Christmas songs with even Sibella chiming in every now and again or maybe it was her version of trying to get everyone to quite down either way you all had fun.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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