Good copy, Bad copy

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Its test season at Bellwood which means that everyone is learning more than they did the week before especially Ben since she had been too busy fighting against all the DNA aliens and their earth invasions to work on her algebra.

Ben: "Pretty please with a bow on top (puts a bow on her head.)"

Y/n: "I'm sorry but no means no."

Ben: "(Stomps foot on the ground) Why not!"

Y/n: "Because we go to completely different schools and if I try to teach you anything your head might explode."

Ben: "NO IT WON'T!"

Y/n: "Last time I tried teaching you anything you face planted the book and just accepted your bad grades... what's so different about then and now?"

Ben: "Firstly that didn't happen and secondly my parents told me that if I failed then we can't spend any time together."

Y/n: "I know your lying about that but go on keep talking without telling me the real reason why you need my help."

Ben: "Just help me already!"

Y/n: "No. If you really need some help get some from Gwen both you and her are in similar schools aren't you?"

Ben just mumbles something as she leaves with a sad look in her eye probably to get some help from her cousin and while Y/n would have liked to help thanks to Grey Matter, Brain Storm and his own DNA made Y/ns IQ similar to that of a genius and his school curriculum certainly didn't help matters either.

And after a few hours of rare silence since Sibella had gone on to hang out with either he family or some friends as she left home a week okay leaving a note that said she'll be back had made Y/n kind of regret his action enough to the point he left to get some Chili fries to cheer her up.

But when he gets there he sees that Ben had already gone there even after she made it seem like it was a life or death matter for his help in her studies.

Y/n: "Hey (grabs and turns her) I thought..."

Ben: "Yes what is it?"

Y/n: "Nothing thought you were someone else."

Ben: "Y/n my old friend and partner how could you say that when meeting me Ben."

Y/n: "Sorry I think both of us mistook each other for someone else."

And the two just kept going back and forth just like this for a long while until eventually Ben got their order and left with a smile on their face forcing Y/n to sit down for a bit until his food was ready and even then he didn't leave his seat and just sat there eating his food as he emptied the box without even knowing it.

Server: "Hey buddy you finished your fries already what's wrongz withtz youz."

Y/n: "Oh sorry about that just lost in thought for a moment."

Server: "(Looks at box then at Y/n) Yea I could seez thatz."

Leaving a tad more than he or anyone would like Y/n leaves the area just as he sees Kevin's car in the distant going somewhere and while he might have been curious what he was up to right now Y/n wanted some answers from Ben and the only place she would be willing to go to get help besides Gwen's would be.

Ben: "Argh I can't get this (throws book) maybe I'm just to stupid to get it right."

???: "(Soft Giggling can be heard around the corner along with the sound of plates and cups rattling about.)"

Ben: "You know usually when someone says something like that you're supposed to give them encouragement."

???: "While that may be true I don't think that can be the case for someone's love rival now can it."

Through some curtain movement reveals Julie with some drinks for them to share as Ben had begged her for some help in tutoring since they go to the same school and besides Y/n Ben would rather die then ask any of them for help any anything that might give them ammo to make fun of her.

Julie: "(Looks at book) You know this problem is the easiest of the whole bunch right."

Ben: "(Slams head on coffee table and groans out) no."

Just then Y/n opens the front door only to see that Ben and Julie were sat down all comfortable like studying just as she had begged him to do so earlier except that there were no chili fries anywhere in sight.

Y/n: "Hey (waves hand)."

The girls then start throwing things at him forcing him to leave and as he does so he meets up with Ben again but this time she's wearing her normal attire but before he could say anything to her Y/n felt everything go dark like someone had just knocked him out.

When Y/n finally wakes up again he sees that there are two Ben's and one of them had been crying a bit while the other looks like a true sadistic person as they are smiling and seeming to enjoy the suffering of the other only for it to then stop once Y/n gets up and tries to move around.

When both girls see this one lights up like a Christmas tree while the other looks angry and disappointed that their fun had just ended with maybe the good one coming to help Y/n out while the other Ben tried to push her off.

The two then threw a bunch at each other but once they did their omnitrixis seemed to lock together shifting one of the Ben's into a opposite form one with grey hair, red eyes, and was male?

And as the two watches surged two stray bolts of energy hit Y/n and for some reason those two little hits caused him to feel more pain than anything he had ever felt from Animo before or anyone in particular causing him to once again pass out.

When he finally woke up it was the day before testing and instead of any of his friends and loved ones studying up for their test they were all gathered around him trying their best to make sure that he was okay only for him to get angry and throw them all out as they needed to study so they can pass.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

Also just a quick thought should I add a bad version of Y/n or nah.

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