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Struggling to stand as Y/n uses a nearby table top of his kitchen to help stand so as to not worry Sibella Y/n makes the slowest movements he could without trying to seem odd or that something was wrong with him since there's nothing Sibella can really do to help.

Sibella: "Are you okay? (tires to get closer but can't as Y/n shuffles away)"

Y/n: "Yea I'm alright just want to lay down for a bit."

Not wanting to give her even a second to see if he was lying or not Y/n casually rushed into his room and tried his best to close the door like normal but nothing about him at the moment is normal as is the case when he takes his shirt off revealing that at this point in time whatever was calling around in him seemed to give up just going for one area at a time now giving him weird spots and burn mark areas all over his body.

Y/n: "(Touches one of the spots) Nothing I don't feel anything not even my own touch."

No matter what or how hard he had searched on the internet, books, and somewhat crazy scientist forms he found nothing that even looked or sounded remotely like what was happening to him not even close in anyway.

He saw things that looked close but none of them were truly what was happening to him since each one had a specific way of getting them and Y/n never went to some of the areas listed, with some being cured a very long time ago, chance at being born that way, and the last one could never happen as his body pretty much is either already immune or would kill whatever it is before it could even try anything.

Y/n: "(Puts on red and black shirt) I don't even know how I got this in the first place but its becoming more and more of a pain each day it seems like with it seemingly able to mess with my DNA however it pleases."

Just as he says that another arm sprouts from his side made out of fire, seeing this Y/n focuses his will to force it back inside him like nothing had happened while he just looks at his mirror still wondering just how this had come to pass before flopping on his bed with a giant sigh since nothing he does seems to bear fruit on what's happening to him nor how it started with the only clue he has was after he had absorbed the DNA of some DNAliens that tried to convert him.

-Y/n is completely covered in DNAliens inside an abandoned warehouse with DNAliens dropping like flies as theirs nothing for them to do as well as Y/n weakening them more than they already were.-

Y/n: "Its going to have to take a lot more than that to get rid of me!"

DNAliens that aren't in their crab forms start shooting their sticky muck at him with Y/n just letting it happen seeming to be super relaxed like he's in some sort of spa getting a mud bath which might not be too far off as he never struggled to break free and once he got tired of being in the muk cocoon Y/n moves his arms out and slams the nearby DNAliens into the cocoon breaking it while also knocking them out.

The other DNAliens who saw this then start running away as he just slowly walks after them like some sort of horror movie slasher since theirs no real reason for him to chase after them since they weren't that hard to find as they make lots of noise and also never seem to trully run away from him or maybe anyone so long as they are alone.

Finding them was even easier with the help of Sibella when she wasn't fighting them on her own as they always made a bet on whoever beat the most DNAliens then they would get a special prize that was always the same for both of them and never changed either as they were both winners at the end of it with only one being slightly better than the other.

Y/n eventually made his way to a group of DNAliens who didn't seem all that scared seeing him even though they really should have been as he crouched down and with a smile launched towards one of them as he grabbed them and then launched one more but this time towards the ceiling as he swirled around and turned the poor creature into a giant wrecking ball that blast the others away.

Making things worse for them but maybe better for him Y/n slams down into the floor like a giant weight with his arms turning into Goop along with two more as he grabs all of them and starts smashing two of them together like cymbals while juggling the other two (he can't juggle) until he gets bored and once he gets to that point he grabs all of them and mushed them all together and slammed them into the ground effectively turning them into squid plants.

Y/n: "(looks at them) I wonder if these are the only type of plants that prefer the cold compared to being warm."

He then gets up and looks outside to see a smiling Sibella as a giant fire surrounds them and most likely the entire warehouse area since Sibella knows no such thing as taking it easy evident by the fact she grabs Y/n and turns into her bat form so that they can immediately flee the scene of the crime.

-Back to modern day-

Y/n: "I don't even know how I got as I woke up the next day with it appearing on my the bottom of my foot and I only realized that when a saw a trail of blood in the shower as Sibella forgot to clean up after herself and one of her claws was still in the shower."

As Y/n gets ready to go to bed he closes his eyes for one second and when he opens them back up he's somehow in the null void on top of a random floating asteroid that seemed to be heading somewhere only to then get dragged along by something as he can no longer move no matter how hard he tried.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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