The Galactic Enforcers

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As you are surrounded by the cheers of adoring fans you then step into the field of battle (aka wrestling ring) as you hype up the crowd you then call forth your opponent and out comes Ultra Ben as you both then start to charge up and go for your ultimate attacks at the same time.

But then Gwen calls you both idiots and losers before then asking you both what you two thought you were doing as you both were just imagining it as you both were playful fist fighting as you both then look at each other and say "guy stuff" at the same time.

After Gwen hears what you both said she can't help but be annoyed as both you and Ben were playing around when there was all this wonderful art to see and even though you could do all that and try to appreciate art there was only so much you could see before it being boring.

As you all are then walking around the area you all see a giant spaceship land in the middle of the street before a large, orange alien comes out of it calling himself Vulkanus before then asking everyone around the area where he could find an element called Bicenthium Alloy which no one knows what that is before he then smashes the ground.

Ben then turns into Four Arms and then begins to fight the guy as you then put your hoodie on and went with the best combo for now at least wings of Stinkfly and arms of Heatblast as you then fly into action doing what the old saying was "fly like a butterfly sting like a bee."

And it worked for a bit at least that was until Vulkanus threw Four Arms at you as his partner? then appeared and started to shoot at both of you as the robo ninja SixSix that came for Ben last time appeared before you then shoot at him back as Ben fought them.

And as you thought you were winning the fight SixSix then came out and shocked you with something from his suit before then throwing something at Four Arms that made it harder for him to move and as you looked over you saw him getting ready to fire off some rockets at both of you before three aliens interrupted him and announced themselves the Galactic Enforcers.

They introduce themselves as Synaptak for the brain squid guy, Tiny for the female FourArms and their leader Ultimos they then went to combo beat down all of them as Tiny tried to flirt with Ben as FourArms and when they were almost finished Ben then distracted them long enough for both SixSix and Vulkanus to then run away.

Before they leave, they make a reason for all of you to stay as they destroy some support columns from a nearby building causing all of you to then help out and put them in place as you changed from Stinkfly's wings to Fourarm's arms to help you hold an area up before you then used your other hands to melt them into place.

When you were all done Tiny tried to flirt with Fourarms as you made fun of Ben telling him to go for it before he then turned back to normal confusing Tiny before they then tell him that they all know about the Omnitrix being in the hands of a child before then teleporting all of them to their base to further discuss things.

After getting to their spaceship, you then shock the hands of the only person who you could and was willing Ultimos before he and the rest of the Galactic Enforcers to debrief on how they got free from their prison and what they were after as Gwen was loving this whole ordeal and as she wants to help Ben doesn't before then letting Synaptak do all the work as he finishes talking he sets observers to find SixSix and Vulkanus.

When that was finished, they then offered a tour and as the rest of you try to follow Ultimos says that only Heros are allowed no sidekicks, but you were all allowed to look were you were at and as they leaved you showed Gwen a little trick you learned before turning your fingers into Diamondheads as you flung a tiny marble at Ben for being extra annoying as Gwen laughed.

As you all wait you then fully turn your hands into Diamondheads so that you can learn how to better manipulate the crystals that you make and what you can make them do as you have nothing better to do while also trying to impress Gwen a little bit.

You then stop when you hear an alarm go off before all the Galactic Enforces plus Ben then appear on the bridge look at what the observers had found, which were SixSix and Vulkanus at a mine searching for something before they all then left with you all being forced to stay there as Ben gives Ultimos some chocolate.

When they get there you all see from the view screen what is going down and are confused as to why Ultimos looked very different after beaming down and as it was happing all any of you could do was watch before Max then started to fiddle with some of their tech so you all could go down there and help.

Which you were not really wanting to till Ben got some more rightful butt whooping before Gwen then dragged you by the ear to the teleporter and did not let go till it was activated and when you all got there a car almost hit all of you before you tried to help them by going Ghost(freak) before Ben as XLR8 helped to stop the car.

While getting saved Ben annoyed Synaptak to put up a barrier to make sure none of you got crushed by a rockslide as SixSix and Vulkanus got away again as a now better Ultimos told them that the only thing missing was extreme heat to bind the Chemicals together.

After finding the next location Ben makes a plan with all of you to take them down once and for all and as you get there you still intangible as ghost freak then surprise them all as Cannonbolt them by smacking into SixSix while you get Vulkanus annoyed at you while jumping around like a money.

As you distract Vulkanus Ultimos and Tiny then drop him into the vat of what they were cooking before you all joined up with Ben before then getting a giant metal ball thrown at you by a very angry and very hot Vulkanus before getting buried in their molten creation before Ultimos then freezes it to capture them all.

After you all get back to your normal area Ultimos promotes Ben to full time member and to all your suprise Ben turns him down before Ultimos leaves letting him keep everything he got anyway before then leaving as you then hug him before then punching him.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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