The Visitor

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As you relax under a tree with Sibella resting on you, you see Gwen is having fun flying a kite just as Ben as Wildmutt comes in and steals it from her angering her in the process.

Gwen: "Ben! I'm telling Grandpa."

Charmcaster: "This should be good."

Y/n: "Hmm."

Charmcaster: "Just watch."

You then see Gwen preform some magic on Wildmutt and when she finished all the dogs in the area started chasing after Ben as if he were a pack of prime ribs.

Charmcaster: "(Laughs) See what I mean."

Gwen: "I just love it when things work out."

Was all you heard from Gwen as Ben came running up the tree you were laying under and as all the dogs came they woke up Sibella from all their barking and loud panting.

Gwen: "Hey you're the one who always wants more attention."

You then hear the watch go off as the tree branch that Wildmutt was holding onto break and fall and as it happens you catch Ben and gently place her down as you get the broken piece of wood and break it even more as you throw it causing the dogs to chase after.

Everyone then starts walking towards Grandpa Max and when you all get there you spot him looking at an old couple either reminiscing or something else that had happened to him in the past.

Ben: "You really shouldn't fool around with your powers like that Gwen honestly thought you were more mature than that."

Gwen: "Grandpa seems pretty bummed."

Ben: "Really? (Walks over to Max) Hey grandpa what's wrong."

Grandpa Max: "Oh nothing, nothing I'm fine I just need a little time to my self is all."

Gwen: "No problem well be at the playground."

Gwen then starts dragging Ben as you and Charmcaster watch and then procced to walk with them towards the playground and as you all got there you went up a hill and just laid down as did everyone else with the last one joining being Sibella as she rested on you.

Ben: "What's wrong with you Gwen you know other than the obvious."

Gwen: "My mom told me that grandma and grandpa meet in saint louis."

Ben: "Yea so?"

Gwen: "So being here reminds him of grandma, I think he's feeling lonely."

Ben: "Ha shows how much you know, how can grandpa be lonely when were with him all the time."

Charmcaster: "(You hear her just sigh.)"

Gwen: "Even you can't be that clueless."

As you were all talking and relaxing you all started to hear screaming coming from the playground and when you all got there you saw a giant alien woman standing there.

As you were all talking and relaxing you all started to hear screaming coming from the playground and when you all got there you saw a giant alien woman standing there

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