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As Y/n picks up a lump of fur and sniffs it trying to figure out if he had smelled something similar to its scent before only to come up with nothing with him bagging the hairs and placing them in a bag that Sibella is holding for dear life humming happily to the birthday gift her master had given her which was just some recordings of her favorite things to hear him say.

Y/n was asked by the Plumbers to figure out what happened at a civilian housing area and since most of them can't go for fear of exposing themselves to the general public they agreed to pay Y/n for his services the same amount and way they do towards Plumbers.

Y/n: "Sibella can you see anything?"

Sibella: "(Pulls headphones down) Hmm you say anything?"

Y/n: "Can you (cups ears) see anything?"

Sibella: "Alright sure (proceeds to use echo location to check out the entire area.)"

Y/n: "Well anything?"

Sibella: "Sorry I got nothing other than maybe this place seems bigger than it's supposed to be."

Y/n: "What does that mean?"

Sibella: "(Points towards the bookcase) I hear a fwishing sound coming from it."

Y/n went to investigate and after he licks his fingers he realizes he could feel a small breeze coming from behind this old rickety miracle it's still standing bookcase so after carefully placing down whatever books remained Y/n then grabbed one of the bookcase walls and threw it right behind him destroying it and the wall making a huge hole with a loud crash.

Y/n grabs Sibellas hand as he runs with all his might down the flight of stairs with Sibella getting lazy half way turning back into her bat form as she goes to sleep inside his hoodie giving Y/n a panic attack as he used all the powers he could making sure Sibella's present didn't get destroyed.

Y/n: "I swear the time I think I got a cat with wings as pet instead of a bat."

Sibella does not hear nor probably care about her owners troubles as she moves around in his hoodie to get more comfortable seeming to have no care in the world at all.

Y/n lets out a big sigh as he tries to calm himself down a bit before heading deeper towards where ever this secret passage leads and while he walks down there he begins to notice that it was getting hotter and hotter the closer and closer he got towards the bottom.

Y/n lets out a big sigh as he tries to calm himself down a bit before heading deeper towards where ever this secret passage leads and while he walks down there he begins to notice that it was getting hotter and hotter the closer and closer he got ...

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Y/n: "What the heck is that!?"

For some reason there somehow came to be a town bigger than Bellwood the city that was above it looking amazing in a way that reminded him of cramped housing that immigrants were forced to live in during Americas past.

Y/n: "So this is where alien Immigrants seem to live."

Y/n then begins walking around the area to see if the person he was after had come down there recently hoping that it was recent enough and that they had a strong enough smell so that he could sniff them out amongst the many different aliens who called this place their home.

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