Time heals

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Y/n: "(With a sad look in his eyes) How's Umbra and Joshua?"

Plumber doctor: "Yes the two are over there (points to some random area) take a left down the hall and once you see the giant man you take two rights and then one more left."

Thanking the man Y/n goes the way he was told and comes to the room where a melting Umbra lays along with Joshua looking like they had just fought a vampire like those werewolf vs vampire movies that Charmcaster for some odd reason just sooo loved watching.

Y/n smiles a bit not out of happiness but more along the lines on just how absurd the sight that had unfolded itself in front of him truly was... with the two people that he had promised to help to the best of his abilities now laying down seemingly at deaths door with the only way of helping them would be to find whatever caused this mess in the first place.

Y/n: "(pats both their beds while also placing down his little gift baskets for them) Don't worry guys I promised to help (tries his best to hold back the tears only to fail as has trouble talking through his tears as he clenches his fists in anger) and when I find who ever did this I'll make them pay more than either of you have suffered (stands up) This I swear!"

Walking through the door everything changes as Y/n struggles to help some poor sod who somehow got in the middle of the fire fight between them and the giant rock monster golem looking creatures that were firing off freaking magic laser beams!

Y/n: "(Slaps them upside the head) What the heck are you doing! Don't you know that if you can't blow one of them up (holds a grenade launcher) than you should run for you're life and alert one of the members that can help you!"

The dumb idiot couldn't even respond so Y/n forced their head down as he grabbed a grenade and threw it as far as he could across the field and once he heard the explosion he grabbed them by the hand as he ran as far as he could across the way towards an old abandoned bunker by some group of people that really liked the colors red and white.

Dark haired man: "(Salutes) Sir it's good to see that you're fine and good sir!"

Y/n: "(Throws bag of supplies at him) Shut up and take it to that annoying-"

Skinny long brown haired guy shows up: "I know you're not talking about me (does a pose) you're very best friend in the entire world!"

Y/n: "Shut up Ben and get to work already we don't have time to deal with your usual non sense."

???: "Ben?"

Ben: "(looks at the new idiot) Yea got a problem with my name or something?"

???: "(Waves hands frantically as well as their head) No! I would never its a wonderful name!"

Ben: "(Scoffs) Shame. In these trying times I'd love to have bait. (starts walking back from whence he came and then turns around) also I was just joking and if you truly have a problem with my name take it up with my parents since their the ones who named me (waves their hand goodbye with only two fingers raised)."

Y/n: "(Sitting down on a recliner with his fit laying on top of something?) Man if that guy wasn't so annoying he'd honestly be a good guy. (Turns towards the idiot as one of the members hands him a glass bottle drink) So (takes a sip) what the heck were you doing out there in the open in the first place?"

???: "Can you quite calling me that already (huffs and puffs as she folds her arms exposing... well her assets better) The names Julie and I was looking for my own supplies along with my dog Ship!"

Y/n: "Who the heck calls their pet ship?"

Julie: "He's not an ordinary dog and he makes better company than most of you!"

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