Side Effects

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As Ben starts to chase after a man who had hijacked a hot rod you just sit inside the rust bucket and make bets with Gwen and Max about how long all of you think it would take Ben to catch the bad guy and after each of you make a guess Gwen puts it into her laptop as you start stopwatch to see how long it would take him.

After a while of following behind Ben chasing the bad guy Max had parked the RV as you all then began to look for Ben after seeing who won the bet first and after doing so you all had found Ben inside an Ice cream truck eating as much ice cream as he could while looking very pale and having a runny nose.

After getting Ben back inside the Rust Bucket you all had him propped up and trying to get him to just sit down and relax as Max took his temperature to check and see what was wrong with him physically and after a while of waiting you all found out that it was a summer cold.

And after a bit of conflict with Ben and Gwen as the only bit or what counts to be normal around you all counts Max then starts going to China Town so he could make his own special blend of medicine to help cure him faster with the freshest ingredients they had available to buy.

While Max is buying all the ingredients needed for his San Ju Yen Pien to help Ben with his cold you are watching the nearby parade of people performing and dancing while you both just watch the amazement in front of you while not trying to even acknowledge some of the stuff that's sold at this China medicine store.

After you all get outside the store the parade has continued on to another part of China town while Ben is wanting a milk shake for his sore throat, but Max says that his medicine will help and after you both take a sniff of it since you both are next to each other you could understand why Ben would not want to have any of that.

On a nearby platform there was some council woman giving a speech when out of nowhere you saw a swarm of wasps come by and scare everyone as a strange looking man came up to the council woman and said something to her which made her shiver in horror.

Meanwhile Ben was going to a back alley to change into Wild Mutt as you stood guard to make sure that no one would come by just in case, but something was not right as you started to hear him crash and bump into a lot of different things and as you heard that you and Gwen could not understand why, but Max told both of you that it was mostly likely Bens cold messing with all of his aliens because of it.

Gwen then decides to try and steer Ben to where the action is but fails as her directions seem to confuse Ben even more than he already was and gets trapped underneath a bunch of fireworks that Ben had also set to launch while he was running and trying to figure out where the bad guys were you and Max rush in to save her as you lift up the boxes while Max dumps a chicken dumpling stand to help save Gwen she eventually does get out but in the process you all smell like chicken dumplings while you all hear Ben crash into something else.

After Ben turned back into Ben you all are regrouped, and Max is trying to get Ben to take the medicine he made Gwen then starts talking about the bug guy and all that she could find about him while you see Ben hide Max's medicine and after Gwen gives an address Max then starts to speed on over there.

When you all get there Gwen says that the building is nice to visit but not to live in before you all get inside the insect man's lair and as you all look around you feel like one of the protagonists of a cheap horror flick as you walk around and see just how creepy this place can be before you all reunite with Gwen and then later Ben as he turned into Four arms trying to scare everyone while also looking different letting everyone know he was also affected by Ben's cold.

After you all hear a scream Ben then picks you all up while Gwen notices a more prominent form of Bens cold on four arms before Ben leaps up through the building to help save the council woman from the crazy bug guys rath.

After Ben "saved" the council woman the bug guy came and started to attack all of you and as everyone was fighting groups of insects you just sprayed some bug spray at them as you saw them run away before getting hit by the crazy bug guy for doing so before getting after Ben for breaking the building a bit more than it already was.

After the building gets destroyed and the council woman leaves you all wonder where the creepy guy went before Max tells everyone about the nuclear power plant as that's the only way to destroy the city since bugs can survive but humans could not.

Before getting to the power plant Ben is shivering cold while not wanting to take any more medicine while Gwen is telling everyone how to beat the bugs that they have seen so far, the guy could command and after saying what would be the only options Ben then starts to smirk as he says he knew the perfect chef to take care of them.

When you all got inside the power plant it started to blare that it was basically close to going boom and when you all got to the controls, they were destroyed before seeing that the bug guy came as well while making a joke about how you all wanted a front row seat to the nuclear explosion and as Ben points that he would be taken out as well he then gets a bunch of cockroaches to surround him in a makeshift bug armor.

After which Max and Gwen then run out to try and shut it down while Ben fights the bug man as a cold infused Heat Blast, and you try to help with your cans of bug spray as you tell Ben to fry them while you gas them, but you see that it wasn't just his flames changing but he was not able to freeze instead of burn things.

Which after a long while of fighting helped a great deal at the end of the day as Ben froze the power plant before it got critical lowering its temperature a lot as well as freezing the bug guy hopefully for good while you all leave Ben suggests they get some hot chocolate.

Later after getting back on the move in the RV Ben has finally gotten rid of his cold and things begin to better before a cockroach appears and then more bugs as the guy has come back for revenge and after getting some from Max, Ben is unable to change because the Omnitrix is still recharging to which Gwen says to use something to lure them away.

And when she says that you get the medicine Ben had hidden open it and then throw it outside into the water as all the bugs rush towards it and you all find out just how weak he was without them as Max knocks him out everything finally seems to be normal before you all realize Gwen had gotten Ben's cold to which you offer to nurse her back to health which she just blushes at.

And that is all for now and seeing as how that season 1 is almost up I'm going to post the other one sometime after so hope you all look forward to that but until then stay safe and peace.

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