Ghostfreaked Out

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After walking around for a while, you see that nothing has really changed from this strange world you have come across a few times before, and like all the other times you came here you did not know how you got here or how to leave either only that you were there.

You were then attacked by what looked like to be Ghostfreak with some of the symbols on it as well as some black and green things that it had seemed to be fighting against and when it had seen you it tried to attack you but failed as something seemed to stop it from attacking.

You then an entire horde of Ghostfreaks all similarly affected like the one before but differing types of what seemed to be a form of infection, and as they all attacked and disappeared like if they were fighting the whole world, they kept repeating the same thing.

Ghostfreak: "We want out"

Ghostfreak: "Freedom"

Ghostfreak: "Destroy of our captor"

All the while they are getting stopped, consumed, or destroyed by what you think to be the world before you eventually meet the strange version of yourself and as always, he says nothing as he points his finger at you, then and then himself before saying.

???: "d̸͙̫͎͍̦͐̍̓̄͝ɘ̸̜̯̼͉̓̾́̿͂͜w̴̧̳̖̫̃̏̈́́͘͜ɒ̸̬̗̖̰͚̀̾̍͠͠ɿ̸͖̫͈̱͍̅̒́͂̀ɘ̴̠̼̯͈̜͛̿̓̓͠ ̵͇̟͚̝̞̓̎̍̑̈́Ɉ̶̧̡̡͓̀͑̾̈͘͜ʜ̸̡̣̹̣͕́͒̈́͌͠ɘ̷̨͍͉͈̪̃̾͊̀͝ ̸̢͓̪̰͍͂́̌̉̿ϱ̵̧̛̛̙̱̱̹̎͌̆ʜ̵̥͙̼̱̯̑̇͑̂͌ő̸̧͎̘̥̼̒͆͆̾ƨ̷͔̰̫͖̘̉̎̍̉̋Ɉ̵̢̯͓̦̾̒͌͜͠͠ ̸̧̫̰̳̔̇̏̕͘͜ʇ̴̨̻̘̠̩̃̒̍̆͝o̵̜̮͚̱͓͑̐̿̕͘ɿ̴͙̣͉̤̤̉̒̀̅͠ ̶̢̛̩͔͍͕̾͊̾̕ʜ̷͙͖̜̼̩̈́́̂̃͝ɘ̴̮̖͚͍͎̐̓̓͝͠ ̸̖̱̘͈͍͛̋̋̍͒į̵̧̤̪̬͌͋͗̅̑ƨ̴̤̳͚͍̳̎̽̆́̍ ̴̠̫͍̖͗̉̄̍̑͜b̸͕̦̦͖̓͋̋̉̑͜ì̷̫̮̯̫̰͛̽͆͝ʇ̶̖͕͉̞̖̈̀͌́͛ʇ̸̣̟̩̣̉̈́̽̿̕͜ɘ̷̜͓̤̦͈͆̈́́̓͒ɿ̸͈̗̩̱̜͑̌͊̈̕ɘ̶̬̤̥͔͕̈́́͊͐͗ṋ̸͓̤͙̤͊͋̈́̿͝Ɉ̸̠̯̩̙̈́̆̍͆̚͜ and acquire m̴̬̼̺̱͓̂͆̑͆͠ǭ̷̺̤̯̀̈͠͝ͅɿ̴̧̛͔̱̭̠̚͝͝͝ɘ̸̭̥͔̘̘̈́̀̈́̈́͠ ̸̛̱͈̭̳̥͐̋͝͠b̶̛̥̬̮̞̍̅́͝ͅņ̵̬̼̮͎̿͗͗̒͠ɒ̶̛͍͖̜̟̇̄̑̈́ͅ ̷̺̥̪̗̩̉͋̎̒͝Ɉ̴̪͕̯̖̈́̿̍͑͒͜o̴̭̮̬͕̝̐̊͋̒͗ ̴̨͍̣̬̠̔̐́́͆d̶̛̘̪̝̹̪̓̿̀̌ɘ̸͚͈̺̮̦͊̈̀̇̿ɔ̴̛̙̞̲͚͔̏̔͊̌o̸̝͖͖̭͉̒̃͐̇̚m̴̛̫̫̱̯̏̅͌͊ͅɘ̷̧͖̬̥̯͐̃̏͝͠ ̶͎̙̘̝̭́̈́́̓͝m̷̢̖̳̹̗͐͛̌̈͝o̸̦̯͍̣͎̓̋̀̔͠ɿ̸̭͍̜̖̅͑̑́̈́͜ɘ̴̻̭̺̺͓̊̿͒̌̕ ̵̧͈̠̣͓͛́͗͑͠ƨ̸̡̛̻̭̟͉̑̂͛͠Ɉ̸̖̯̤̩͆̍́́̀͜ɒ̷̧̮̜̪͇̄͂́͗͛d̴͙̰͎̰͙͌̐͗͂͝l̷̨̛̹̯͍͚̔̉̉͑ɘ̵̺̖̜̠̖̿̄̅̄̒ ̸͔̫̰̙̥̾̐̔̎͘ɒ̷̨͈̜̼̮͑͋̈́͊͘ƨ̶̮͙͇̻͚̐̉̿̽̔ ̸̢̺̙̮̥̈̀͒͆́w̵̧̮̮̳̖̃̈́͒̀̌ɘ̵̩̼͖̹̤̉́͊̉̋ ̷̦͇̦̙͋̒̄̐̌͜ɒ̵͓̦̥̦̝̋̅̾̽͛ɿ̸͔͕͚͚͚̉̄͌̀͑ɘ̴̙̝̦̻̗͋̀̉̃́ almost complete."

Before then flicking your head as you wake up to see that Ben is screaming like a mad man before you then help him back to bed before the others wake up as you then looked down and saw what you thought to be Ghostfreaks eye looking back at you before shacking your head and no longer saw it when you looked back.

After you all really wake up you are looking over Gwen's plans for the school she's trying to get in as pretend to have interest and try to be as supportive as you could while both you and Ben were not really paying attention before Ben then takes away the paper Gwen was holding.

Ben: "This school is full of nothing but snobs and posers"

Which made Gwen then look pleadingly at you, but it was all for naught as you had the same thought as Ben did for it which mad her annoyed as she then got the paper back from Ben before then ignoring you after letting you know that both of you better make sure not to embarrass her at this school.

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