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???: "Finally! It's time for them to turn me back to normal! NO longer am I going to have to live like this monster of a man and finally get back the life that was taken from me (ignores the people around him pointing and laughing as he gets off the bus stumbling his way down as his hat falls off revealing white hair.)"

Little girl: "Mommy why does that man have white hair like grandpa?"

Mother: "Well sweetie.... mommy doesn't really know why."

Out of embarrassment the man quickly put his cap back on flicked his hoodie up and made sure his mask was on tight and right before he speed off and away towards the nearest alleyway so no one else could see him and once he's deep enough in a bunch of poor thugs appear wanting to mug him.

Appear before the masked man are a bulking biceped man with no hair wearing a black tank top and camo cargo pants with boots on looking to be a man who has served in the past but most likely either left or got dishonorably discharged and was now a small time thug.

Besides him are two lanky looking men who are dressed the somewhat the same as the big man except their tops are camo and their bottoms are black along with one having a rat face while the other had a face that looked uglier than a pug.

Anyway as these men are approaching the mysterious stranger the man in question starts grunting in pain while holding his left arm with all his might as one of his eyes starts to produce flames with him growing in an extra few inches in his height as horns appear from besides his head causing the cap to fall down as well as explaining why he looked like a beggar.

Big thug: "What the-"

The mysterious mans hand then burst out before shrinking right back down to its normal size except a bit thinner compared to the other one that is now red and is missing one finger as well as having the pattern of a blue man group member.

Before the other smaller thugs could do anything the man lunged at them like a feral dog spotting its next meal and charges straight at them nocking one into a nearby wall while lightly chewing on the other as he swings him around left and right as the man tries to come back to his senses which works wonders as he starts shrinking right back down to his normal size and form.

???: "(Stomps his foot as hard as he could on the ground as a small ripple in a puddle shows the man much better than before revealing that he looks almost identical to Y/n but with white hair and dark spots all over his body like a corrupted Albedo copy as he looks towards an apartment building as something flying in the skies lands in front of the doors) Finally we meet!"

Meanwhile inside that very apartment was Ben and Y/n along with Sibella and Kevin as they were all helping the two who lived there and help them move things around because apparently Ben had thought it was a good idea to put Y/ns address for when she gets rewards so now even the workshop dimension area was full and they needed to sort the things out so they all don't die.

And while Y/n isn't at all annoyed about what Ben had done and just gave her a little thump on the head and toosh while just giving Kevin a fist bump since he had promised to help him with his later so that even in his mutated seat he could drive the car like normal and hopefully make sure it can survive their adventures. 

Anyway thanks to Ben being careless and lazy Y/n now has wayyy to many things that should not exist on earth as they would destroy the world in too many different ways to count and some would actually destroy the world turning earth into a charred meatball object in the galaxy.

So not wanting any of that to happen in an area where literally anyone could gain access to just by picking the lock or breaking the front door down since he lives in an apartment and all these things should be at the plumbers base instead of his since for one even he is tempted to look and see how they function and the other was that almost all of them seemed too good to be things that weren't being looked for around the galaxy.

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