Back with a Vengeance

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As everyone is watching the great Niagara Falls you and Ben are relaxing on a bench nearby as Ben messes with his Omnitrix while you try and shift yourself, but nothing seems to work as it seems you had lost your powers

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As everyone is watching the great Niagara Falls you and Ben are relaxing on a bench nearby as Ben messes with his Omnitrix while you try and shift yourself, but nothing seems to work as it seems you had lost your powers.

Gwen: "I don't know ask them"

Max: "Ben would you please pay attention to something other than that watch and Y/n what are you doing."

Ben: "I'm just trying to figure out how to control it better that's all grandpa."

Y/n: "And I'm trying to figure out why I can't do anything anymore after fighting Animo."

Gwen: "Get real there's like a billion command combinations on that thing."

Charmcaster: "Aww don't worry Y/n even with no powers you're still a great guy even if you have weird taste in pets."

Y/n: "Hey!"

Was all you could say as she dragged you towards Max and Gwen to relax and enjoy yourself a bit without having to worry about your powers and what not.

Which you do and actually have some fun with before Ben scares one of the guys on the ship causing him to go overboard and you all see him turn from Ripjaws and then Stinkfly which had confused all of you since he could never do that before.

Charmcaster: "Could he always do that."

Max: "No that should be impossible."

Stinkfly: "Not anymore."

After Stinkfly places the man down you all then head back to shore as Stinkfly gets a lot of attention annoying everyone else at how much attention he seemed to be hogging and annoying them a little more as you felt a bit sad since you felt like you could never fly on your own anymore and seeing Ben do so made you miss it even more.

You all then leave and get some Ice-cream to try and help cheer you up and you all procced to leave Ben to do whatever he wanted after telling him where you were all going as you all then left.

And as you all were about to eat and enjoy them Ben then comes in and spits some Stinkfly snot into Gwen's and your Ice cream as a way of joking which makes no one laugh but him as Ben also shows the amount of money, he made giving rides to tourist

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And as you all were about to eat and enjoy them Ben then comes in and spits some Stinkfly snot into Gwen's and your Ice cream as a way of joking which makes no one laugh but him as Ben also shows the amount of money, he made giving rides to tourist.

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