AF Bio Update

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(Don't know who made this art nor the cover but if you can find them show them some love)

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(Don't know who made this art nor the cover but if you can find them show them some love)

Personality: Same as when he was a kid except mellowed out a bit and became wayyy more protective of those he holds dear.

Likes: Same, Mr.Smoothies, chili fries (Ben got him hooked on both) recently got into card games and fantasy genre (Because of Gwen and Charmcaster), his motorcycle, New tech, Sibella, and finding new DNA to get stronger.

Dislikes: Same, the girls antics sometimes, getting called a wanna be Ben/ fake Ben, loosing a game, loosing those he cares for, when the girls gang up on him, and Ben trying to get him to cheat or take the easy way out.

Job: His parents son and temp jobs.

Tech: Switched to laptop and has his own game station in his room.

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