Video Games

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As Y/n bodes over the fact that he was being forced to watch as Ben made an absolute fool of herself as she tried moved around in both human form and her alien forms Y/n just sighed heavily while also making passing threats through growls whenever the bald white lab coated man tried to get him to participate alongside Ben.

Ben: "(Grabs Y/n by the hand) Come on it'll be fun!"

Y/n: "I'd rather have you cut off my head again and wait for it to grow back than do any of this (waves around at everything) whatever the heck this stuff is."

Ben: "I told you I was sorry! Besides its not like it was my fault!"

Y/n: "I told you that I was going there! And even if I didn't it's not like I was hard to miss when it even happened!"

Director: "Um... excuse me but might I ask what's going on?"

Y/n & Ben: "STAY OUT OF IT!"

Both Y/n and Ben then started once again arguing over the fact that Ben wanted to be a beacon that attracted and loved all the attention she was getting (so long as it had to do with her heroics) while Y/n himself was more than fine with being in the shadows and helping where he could.

Because Y/n was a man that unlike his best friend didn't really like sticking out as much with the best example being the fact that up until their identities were revealed he had liked to wear a hoodie whenever he went out so that it would be harder for others to find out it was him since black with some red are probably very common colors.

And thanks to that it made everything harder... in more ways than one since for some reason a lot of people thought that since Y/n was dressed in almost all black, going out and about at night, later than anyone possibly his age should be, led to quite a lot of people thinking he was doing something illegal.

Which made things more than a little difficult when he tried to help Ben and the rest with time sensitive things while also having to hide from the police or worse freaking criminals! Who wanted his help in whatever they were about to do.

Now mind you sometimes he did go through with it but only so that he could turn those people in since he did catch them in the act and everything as well as participating in said act of crime but he almost always left that out and since he never really gave them a name or even a last name they never really knew it was him.

But that also meant that their were certain areas of town that he could no longer go back to most of which were just out of good conscious from what he did while under cover but a few of them were just because he didn't really want to deal with anyone that might have remained after he turned them in.

And now that Ben is making a video game based upon her action while Y/n couldn't be prouder since it was something that she had been wanting for  a very long time with honestly the best thing she was hoping for would have been a Sumo Slammer event with her in it since... Well its freaking Sumo Slammers she's been collecting the things since Y/n had met her and that wasn't stopping any time soon.

But like that was good for her, heck Y/n didn't even like much of anything that wasn't something calm and casual since most of his life was all the action he needed throughout the day and getting some down time was a very rare thing for him.

Y/n: "I'm telling you right now that if this thing comes out and I'm not a guy just cheering you on Immortal fighter style than I'm going to be annoyed."

Ben: "NO! I want to be able to fight you even if it's just virtual us!"

Y/n then rolls his eyes and was about to agree when the director guy said that it was time for break which greatly upset Ben in the process but also made Y/n somewhat disappointed and glad at the fact he got out without having to make Ben disappointed. 

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