Knight Supreme

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Scientist: "As you all can see that when we apply pressure here (stabs creature causing it to yell) we get that but when we add a little (says with pizzaz) flair (presses a button causing an electric surge to course through the being causing them to scream while parts of its body change) see? This creature may look like one our kin but is in fact a shifter that shall cause the downfall of our great faction."

As the crowd of scientist and knights cheer upon their discovery the camera pans closer to reveal that the creature is actually Y/n chained to the wall with cuts and bruises all around with all kinds of different fractures on the ground while he slowly heals glaring at the Forever Knights.

Approximately six hours ago Y/n was looking from escaped prisoners with the Plumbers asking him to recapture them and emailing him all the information needed to fight against them and how to better take them down until the Plumbers get there to pick them up.

Turning into Goop he hides with in any broken, trashed, or gross looking spots in the alley hoping that either one of them stops by so he can tail them or even better getting all of them in one spot which would make his job a whole lot easier.

After about half an hour waiting for any of them to show up Y/n was about to leave his hiding spot to try and find a new one or go full on crime fighter and get ready to question people hard on where the aliens could be.

Thankfully one of them stopped to take a breather right where he was hiding and slowly making his way towards the blue fish looking alien to try and eavesdrop and hear him hopefully talk about the others and where they may be hiding.

Once he got close enough he heard the alien speak some alien langue that he did not quite understand but none the less he had a job to do and depending on the time he better hurry up or else Sibella would unleash her inner fury.

The Alien either heard something or finally caught their breath because all of a sudden they take off like their in the Olympics or something; not wanting to let them go Y/n shrinks as best he could and becomes a stain on their cloths as he gets taken for a ride to where the others are hopefully hiding.

Eventually after to many twist and turns it lands in the sewers or something at least close to that from how many splashes he heard from the thing running but then all of a sudden it stops and carefully moving around to see what they saw and what they both saw was something that no one wouldn't freeze up upon seeing.

The other fish people were on the floor either being forced and held down while getting chained up like some sort of feral beast or getting beaten gladiator style even though the fish people are weak on land and have no real way of beating guys in armor.

Rightfully so the blue fish man goes all out for revenge but would have failed miserably because these medieval looking sycos have laser guns that can put a hole in just about anything they hit but luckily it had Y/n to save it's sorry behind.

Goop Y/n forms a wall that becomes as hard as Diamond head crystal and only when they finishing firing what could probably be at least two clips fired from all of them do they finally stop to most likely see if they did anything to the creatures.

Knight: "Team A move in Team B secure the perimeter make sure these filthy things never see daylight again."

Once the orders were given Y/n hit them with a giant fist launching them like a cannon bolt away from the rest of their team and now without a leader they should have been easy pickings but that guy was either another grunt or everyone is a leader for these people since they were only distraught for a few seconds before they opened fire once more.

And that little rat of a fish must have either used him as a bargaining chip or reinforcements came at the worst possible moment since the next thing he remembers after getting ready to fight any and everyone there was waking up inside a jar next to two tesla coils with a group of scientist looking at different sciencey things .

All of a sudden these sick sacks of garbage flip a switch and there are no words in any language or dialect that could be used to describe just how much pain he was in once they started the closest would be if someone shoved a lighting rod in both ends of a living being, stuck them with enough needles to make a porcupine jealous, connected everything with copper wire and added current directly from a fusion generator.

And even that was mild in comparison to what he felt and once they turned it off Y/n turned back to normal smashing everything that was containing his goop form amazing the scientist at what they saw especially when they saw him regrow the damaged and cut tissue.

Now that we are caught up on how he got here and what some of these sick and twisted cult like mentality weirdos have been doing to him for the past four hours like they can do no wrong and have total freedom to go Genghis Khan on any alien that happens to cross their path.

Thankfully Sibella is part dog at least when it comes to Y/n because it hasn't been that long since she took her after noon nap and now here she is who knows how long away from home grabbing Knights and beating them against their allies while also being a fiery beast of vengeance that she is.

Eventually the sounds of a nightmare rampage slowly come to a stop as a bloody Sibella walks through the wall spitting out bits of metal like their unwanted toothpicks before casually turning back to her normal form as she climbs atop his head like usual proudly.

Y/n walks out of his cell ignoring everything that looks to be an R rated movie made either by the Knights or from Sibellas rampage either way Y/n feels happy and good that their gone since he has no positive thoughts about them after what they had done.

On the way out he sees what ever is left of the fish people and while his look does scare them he tells them the Plumbers are coming while tossing a communicater in their cell and the first words he hears from them that he can understand at least are.

Blue Fishman: "(Crying either from him or others while talking scared) We so Sorry... We no mean hurt."

Y/n: "(Looks behind him) To bad your all guilty of whatever they have on you."

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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