Equivalent Exchange

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Y/n: "(Sounding like a mad scientist) Finally!!! I've done it!!! I've finally finished my greatest master piece that could lead to the destruction of any and everyone around!!! (starts laughing like a mad man)"

Sibella: "(Yawns as she wakes up with a metal gauntlet on her arm with her swinging it around and biting it with all her might like the primal woman she is until she gets too annoyed) What is this thing and get it off of me!!!"

Y/n: "Calm-"

And before he could finish his sentence Sibella hit him in the face with her new gauntlet and from the way she swung he could tell it was as light as can be since she would rather die than hurt Y/n but it did not matter as her punch sent him flying through the rooms.

Sibella looks on in horror at what she had just done but before she could even move Y/n walked out from the now destroyed bedroom hand covering his face as that was were he got hit as he slowly but surely stopped laughing so much and eventually managed to calm down with minor fits of laughter still appearing here and there.

Y/n: "(Coughs) Ahem anyway (holds Sibella's gauntlet) now my dear this is the final version (under his breath) *until I can think of something better* of your fire armor that you wanted."

Sibella just looks at the green and black gauntlet for a long awhile before she once again starts chewing and biting on it almost ripping her own hand off as she tries to get the thing off her not really seeming to care as if she has regeneration abilities and for all anyone knows she just might!

Y/n is then forced once again to stop her from doing so acting more like a stern and strict father/daughter relationship rather than their normal friendly yet romantic relationship they seem to have with each other which greatly annoyed Y/n but what can you do when you're dealing with someone who in nature is a hot blooded and tempered bat.

Y/n: "Look can you not try forcing the thing off I mean (presses a button on her wrist causing the gauntlet to become a bracelet) if you hated it that much you could have just pressed the only different colored button on the bloody thing instead of trying to force it off and hurting yourself in the process!!!"

Sibella: "But me no like it when things cover my hands (weeps a little) makes it too not as fun with me punch things."

Y/n: "(Flicks Sibella's forehead) Alright we both know you can speak with proper grammar without sounding like a cave man and it doesn't really make you any cuter than you already area (sits down) and besides (hold up arm with bracelet on it) you were the one who wanted this in the first place so you could punish others for touching me even faster and harder than you already do!"

Sibella: "(Pouts) I was expecting something cuter than this though (summons gauntlet just to prove how ugly instead of cute it is) I mean a girls gotta have style even when she's (demon voice activated) destroying all those that dare touch what's mine or even think of messing with my beloved!!!!!!!!!!!"

Now a little creeped out but only for a little while since her talking like that has become the norm for him for the past nine years or so when anyone approaches him and even before that but that was when she was still a bat and would just make squeaking noises to show her anger and displeasure at anyone female coming near him. 

Anyway the two then head out to Y/ns private war zone training area so that she can test out both the power of the gauntlet alone along with its full mech form so that she can get better accustomed to it making her even better at fighting since the gauntlet and mech use the powers of her flames of love (as she calls it) while hopefully allowing her a better form of control and options.

Without any hesitation however Sibella just uses every ounce of fire power she had and just fired it off randomly most likely causing the people nearby who see this to get even more terrified of the area and probably quarantine the area just in case so as to not piss off whatever god like being is there.

Without even seeming to have anything wrong with her or any ounce of care Sibella just continues blasting them off any and everywhere she pleases all the while Y/n just remembers the past and thinks that maybe giving his primal, crazy, hot tempere...

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Without even seeming to have anything wrong with her or any ounce of care Sibella just continues blasting them off any and everywhere she pleases all the while Y/n just remembers the past and thinks that maybe giving his primal, crazy, hot tempered, possessive, over protective pet bat a device that can let her destroy her enemies even easier than before......... was maybe not such a great idea.

Like it didn't even take much or long for him to picture all the others if Sibella were to meet them with what she has now before the pact he forced them all to make with one another to not hurt each other mainly for their part all while Sibella gets even better control and ability at making small nukes of fire that she can control and do whatever she pleased with.

And as Sibella kept blasting every single other girl that Y/n has shared.... well pretty much anything with felt a shiver go all the way down their spines and none of them knew why all while the man in question just stood their and watched as Sibella made a giant glass crater for no reason other than because she was hungry and wanted a big bowel to eat from.

Anyway eventually Y/n got to uncomfortable being there as Sibella nuked the area in flames a bit one to many times for his taste, so he scooped her up into his arms and then started flying away as fast as he could all the way back home trying his best to not get hit by any of the fireworks that were being blasted up into the skies.

While also hoping that none of them hit Sibella since the way she was breathing and acting even he could tell that it was that time for her where she got even more primal and blood started to come from everywhere.... which was a bit surprising since last he knew she was fruit bat but either way it was the time off the metaphorical full moon for her were she wanted nothing but destruction and mayhem and didn't seem to care at all about who, what, where, when, nor why so long as she got it.

So once they got home Y/n threw her into his closet along with his dirty laundry and enough food to last her for a week until she calmed down enough to where they could at least talk with their mouths and not bodies since this was also the time where she doesn't take no for an answer from anyone and he learned that the hard way when it first happened.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and hope you all had a happy belated fourth of July and until next time stay safe and peace.

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