Sparks Fly!

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At the local Mr

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At the local Mr.Smoothy Y/n is about to try out a smoothie that Ben had recommended him but once he takes the first sip he know understands why everyone was giving him weird looks when he placed his order.

Stranger 1: "....You hear.... flying every where.... amazing but dangerous."

Y/n: "(Ears perk up along with Sibellas as he walks over to their table) Sorry to bother but I heard you talk about something dangerous but amazing. May I ask what it was?"

Stranger 2: "Uhhh...."

Y/n: "(Pulls out $50) Drinks on me (When one of them reaches to take it he moves the dollar away) Apup but only if you tell me about it."

Stranger 3: "Ugh fine (Gestures to come closer) Alright so look when me and the guys where find a place to shred some half pipes and have a rad time we stumbled upon some spark thing at first we were trying to leave it be since rule number 1 of abandoned building surfing is to leave everything how you found and touch nothing."

Stranger 1: "Except for whatever makes a narly ramp man."

Stranger 3: "Right man but anyway we tried to leave the thing be but it seemed to be following some of us around and when someone accidentally touched it man they went wild man they started doing tricks that shouldn't be possible and once it was over and they had a nap they said they felt like they just chugged like thirty energy drinks it was wicked."

After breaking the code of their surfer talk on where all of this happened Y/n left them with the fifty dollars he promised and as he walked away he heard them all cheer causing Sibella to do the same making Y/n smile at just how cute she was acting.

Once there Y/n feels something drawing him in and only manages to stop and come back to his senses once Sibella bits him.

Y/n: "(Rubs neck) Thanks but you gotta stop watching Vampire movies."

Sibella maybe smiles at that it's hard to tell when she is in her bat form but whatever after a head pat and rub for good luck Y/n walks into the stoner's warehouse so he can check out what was going on.

Sibella maybe smiles at that it's hard to tell when she is in her bat form but whatever after a head pat and rub for good luck Y/n walks into the stoner's warehouse so he can check out what was going on

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Y/n: "(Over recorder) Alright this is Y/n walking into what may be an alien hide out or just some random alien tech malfunction either way this place is most likely going to light up like new years."

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