Simple as can be

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"War... war never changes... since no matter how hard someone tries they shall always be fighting against others no matter if their on the right or wrong side that history shall tell for generations to come and no matter what others try to do it shall all end in the same exact way no matter what... which is destruction and pain left for many generations while whatever they were fighting for wont soon matter after the battle had been won or lost depending on which side their on."

"A battle can always be won but a war is something that rarely anyone can actually win since depending on just how far the battles go and if things get bad enough then there really will only losers since the hate will continue to go onto the next generation that will then continue the hate with their next of kin all the way until something causes a change to occur where the hate starts to die out."

"But no matter how great the hate nor despair is that fuels the efforts of battle their shall always be a side to that coin that leads to the path of good and greatness like how it helps the people grow beyond their years compared to those that came before and how the close bond that everyone shares with their brothers in arms will go on for years to come no matter the outcome."

Y/n: "(Closes book shut) While I do not share or understand the person who wrote this what I can gather from it is that you (points at someone in front of him) and everyone else here are a bunch of idiots and that you're all probably going to get yourselves killed."

Ben: "(Slams the table inside the Rustbucket mk3) What? Were all going to be fine (shows hologram message from a blue little girl for the millionth time to Y/n) all we gotta do is stop a war from two different races and help this little girl out in the process since there's nothing (points at herself with her thumb whilst shoving her thumb in between her melons) that ME BEN TEN CAN'T DO!!!"

Y/n just rolls his eyes knowing that nothing good can come of what's about to happen here since all three of them are too young to really know how to end a war and knowing Kevin.... well it wouldn't surprise him if he were to try and successfully make a profit during the entire conflict.

Like there's no way that total strangers to a who knows how long conflict on some back water planet could do anything good on there since none of them know what's really going on nor who started the whole mess sine there's bound to be a reason why it started in the first place.

And the only reason why Y/n was going along for the ride was because for one thing he had nothing better to do, Sibella for some reason kicked him out of his house for a few days, and the most important reason was because.....

He wanted to see just how bad things on the planet could get with their intervention and a little bonus on being able to go to another planet since he's never left earth before to go to some other world before and was intrigued to see how different life was like for them.

While Ben, Kevin, and Gwen most likely could and would explore the galaxy on their own and go beyond the stars if they felt like but Y/n however didn't really like being out in space like this sense you never know what'll happen and his experience in being in space before probably didn't help all that much with him wanting to be the next Neil Armstrong.

Anyway during the entire trip over there when Kevin wasn't fending of Ben from messing with the ships controls he was off somewhere taking a nap or reading something since until they arrived at the planet there was really nothing for any of them to do.

From what Y/n remembers about all the bells and whistles that the ship has which were most likely stolen by Kevin through out the years with some probably being sold or traded for better parts but either way from what Y/n remembers the ship pretty much has like a mediumish sized bathroom area for whatever any of them might need.

I mean there's an area where Gwen has been staying in for most of the trip where she can just relax and do whatever she wanted sometimes even inviting Y/n and Ben into the room for some group meditation and why not Kevin simple... almost every single time Gwen's tried to meditate with him he'd always fall asleep not even a minute in at most half that time before he starts nodding off.

And as kind and caring as Gwen can be even she has her limits when dealing with someone like that as she tries to get them to do something that should help them together with her and while Ben isn't as guilty as Kevin she's still as guilty it just takes longer while Y/n doesn't meditate he thinks like a computer during the entire thing as its one of the few moments where he could peacefully think up different ways of combining DNA to help him in certain situations.

Which has gotten him into lots of conflict with his friends in loved ones both in the past and in the present since he pretty much does that any and every time he has any free time that lets him think since who doesn't like getting stronger especially when its with something that's all skill for you.

And while using his powers isn't something that he can really do at the moment or risk the drawbacks the come with it there's always hope that eventually he'll find a way to fix his little problem and be able to use them freely without worry....

Buttttt of course until that day comes Y/n's stuck being a somewhat normal human who looks like he's addicted to a new mysterious drug but whatever it doesn't really matter all the much since as bad as that may look its still a whole lot better than risking turning into a monster like Kevin without a want or desire to do so.

Other than that the ship also had a make your own clothes machine that only required the person to make what they wanted to wear and then wear it once it was done while everything else was pretty much just normal things needed to live as they traveled through space but for the most part it was all just normal things and once the ship landed Y/n stayed in there and just watched everything go down as he had fun messing with the ship and seeing everything it could do.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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