Dark Past

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Dark Star a man that used to be called Michael Morning Star before getting beaten so hard that his power actually got stronger but with the down side that he looked just about as ugly as his victims did while also making it to where he had to consume a whole lot more energy than before.

Thankfully Ben, Kevin, and Gwen got rid of the guy once again before Y/n had gotten a chance to do so because from the way that he treated Gwen and how he was treating others now that he had gotten darker was enough for Y/n going Humungousaur stomping on his behind.

Either way it would have been a real pain if the man got ahold of Y/n and Gwen since Gwen seems to have a lot of what he needs and because of all the DNA Y/n has even if he doesn't have what Dark Star is looking for in a balanced diet absorbing Y/n should get him more energy then others probably do.

While Y/n does not regret anything that he had done to the creepy man child that was Michael over the way he treated the girls at his school and even worse Gwen but if anyone where to ask Y/n if he would do anything different he would say yes because he feels he didn't make Michael suffer more before Plumbers came to collect him.

Y/n: "So how was facing Mr pretty boy Gwen? Still the prince charming you hoped he be?"

Gwen: "(Snuggling with Y/n) Now you know that's not fair. It wasn't my fault that he seemed like a really good guy."

Y/n: "And yet you the only one he seemed to be paying attention to got charmed by him and almost became a husk just like all the others before you."

Gwen: "(Looks up at Y/n with her cute grumpy face) If you keep talking like this then I'm leaving."

Y/n: "(Quick and sudden kiss) Just like how you tried to make me jealous then I can annoy you about it now since it backfired so horribly."

Gwen: "(Grumbles) You still don't have to be so mean about it."

Y/n: "It's all good fun. You know I love you."

Gwen: "Yea yea whatever (kisses Y/ns cheek) says the guy who has more than one girl fallen for him."

Y/n: "And I love them all equally just like you and Ben had all those years ago."

Gwen: "That was before I knew what you were like."

Y/n: "But you know now and yet here you are snuggling with me at my apartment as Sibella sleeps after raging nonstop for hours on a Saturday evening."

Gwen doesn't even say anything else she just sits snuggles herself further into her spot next to Y/n as they watch some of her favorite shows that started to backlog because of the whole DNA alien fighting thing that was going on alongside any other alien problems that have occurred.

And while watching the show was something that Y/n would have rather not been doing as he would have gladly faced off against Dark Star then watch a show that is designed to either kill brain cells or make people believe in the writers own warped view of how something should be by making it feel good or bad depending on how they want it.

Even after Julie pointed out how weird his love life is Y/n has no problems with it going on as he just wants to love those he cherishes and cares for with all his heart but seeing it happen on tv dramas make him hate the very idea since they make it sounds more fairy tale like then it actually is.

Like the words a great man once said after a few hours of watching the same thing happen where people would scream like no tomorrow Y/n started rooting for the bad guy so that it would finally end or at the very least make it to where he no longer has to hear them scream.

Eventually Y/n must have fallen asleep for some reason or another and just like when he was a kid he was in a weird space that was covered in the same symbol he had on his forearm long ago which shouldn't really be happening since he moved things around within him.

But it was genuinely nice to revisit something from his childhood even if it meant having all the different DNA's that were not yet apart of him to try and attack Y/n so they can get free or something but unlike last time he had gotten better at fighting.

That didn't mean he used it to attack though as he just dodged them Matrix style or through pivoting since beating them would serve no real purpose and they weren't enough of a threat to him where he felt like he had to fight them for control of his body like Ghost Freak.

Ghost Freak: "(Ghostly wheezing) Aw how cute you still remember little old me.. and the times we shared together..."

Y/n: "I have no idea where you are but it doesn't matter since there's no way for you to get control anymore."

Ghost Freak: "You don't know just how wrong you are (maniacal laugh) you see all I needed from you was for you to sleep when I was ready and now I even if I have to struggle I can ruin your life just as you have ruined mine!"

Y/n: "Good luck with that (walks away.)"

Ghost Freak: "You don't believe me do you?"

Y/n: "Not really no... you're known to lie, manipulate, and even threaten others to get whatever you and the other you want. But for now I know I'm safe from you and any plans you may have."

Ghost Freak: "Just like how you can separate what makes you think that others strong enough within you can't do so as well."

Y/n: "Because I've seen what happens to my body parts when there gone too long from my body and how all you've been doing is talking without making fun of me meaning you have nothing until I do something but (sits down) I'm just going to wait to get woken up."

Ghost Freak: "(Morphs the entire room as he tries to eat Y/n) You fool that's just where I wanted you!"

Y/n: "(Opens one eye peaking at what Ghost Freak might be doing before making a giant fireball similar to the sun) Now for some reason I just don't think that's true."

When Y/n wakes up he sees that Gwen had also fallen asleep and that at least to his own knowledge they've been sleeping for about two hours and not wanting to ruin Gwen's rest he takes her to his room and tucks her in as they both sleep together.

The morning after was a bit of a pain and an annoying one at that but at least Gwen looked to be doing better and happier which was all that really mattered while Sibella seemed pleased just to finally have Y/n all to herself again.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.

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